ensconcedadj. 安置好的;安居的v. 安置;隱藏(ensconce的過去式)
1.The old man has ensconced himself in his favourite corner as usual. 老人已經像往常那樣坐在他愜意的角落裡了。
2.The most senior Taliban and al-Qaeda leaders are ensconced there, and they must not be allowed to retake power in Afghanistan. 最高級別的塔利班首領和基地組織的領導都在那兒落戶。
3.Meanwhile the rest of the team was ensconced at Central Office, eyes glued to television set and the computer on which the early predictions were coming through. 與此同時,班子的其他人都聚集在中央黨部,兩隻眼睛都直盯著電視和能夠最早顯示預報結果的計算機。