hyper['haipə]adj. 亢奮的;高度緊張的n. 宣傳人員
hyper 既興奮又緊張,精力過旺的;超,過渡,在…之上;超過,過多;原蘭君;hyper- 過多,超過,上,高,重;超出、過於、極度的意思;極度;過多,超過,上,高,重,過度;Hyper Olympic 金牌奧運;奧林匹克;快樂奧運;奧林匹克運動會;hyper movies 超電影;hyper bazooka 火箭炮;火箭筒;
1.Ampoules can have remarkable effects on various skin conditions, irritations, hyper - pigmentation, as well as, aging. 安瓿可以明顯的改善各種皮膚疾病,過敏,高-色素沉著,以及老化。
2.Results:9 pancreatic islet cell tumors were all hyper vascular with clear margin, no blood vessel and pancreatic duct infiltration. 結果:9例胰島細胞瘤均富血供,邊界清楚,與周圍胰腺分界清楚,無血管、胰管侵犯。
3.Nanotubes, he imagined, might flex up and down to represent a 0 and a 1 state, like hyper-shrunken versions of the relays in the Mark 1. 他猜想,藉由奈米碳管的彈性向上、向下伸縮,或許能分別表現0和1的狀態,就像是超小型的馬克一號繼電器。
hyper cryesthesia; hypercryalgesia - 冷覺過敏
hyper ovaria; hyperovaria; hyperovarianism - 卵巢機能亢進
hyper extension; hyperextension - 過度伸展
hyper traction; hypertraction - 過度牽引
hyper alaninemia - 高丙氨酸血症
hyper pre-β-lipoproteinemia - 高前β脂蛋白血
hyper aminoaciduria - 高氨基酸尿