ipmabbr. 每分鐘英吋數(inches per minute)
IPM Intelligent Power Module;Integrated Pest Management;每分鐘…英吋;Interior Permanent Magnet;IPM InternationalPowerMachine 國際電源機(愛克賽的產品);IPM China 中國國際植物展;IPM InstantaneousPriorityMultiplexing 瞬時優先級多路復用;IPM InchesPerMinute 每分鐘英吋數;
1.IPM (Intelligent Processing of materials) plays more and more important roles in the science and engineering of material. 材料智能處理越來越受到國外材料科學與工程學界的高度重視。
2.The IPM (Interval Performance Monitor) package provides a portable interface for taking performance related statistics over an "interval" of a code's execution. IPM包提供一個可移植的接口,可以通過一個代碼的間隔執行來實行相關的統計。
3.The paper introduces the performances of IPM and 8XC196MC and their application on frequency-variable speed-adjustable system. An application example is provided. 介紹了智能功率模塊和8XC196MC單片機的性能特點和它們在變頻調速系統中的應用,並給出了一個應用實例。