vampsabbr. 振幅結構
felt slippers with pompons on vamps 鞋面釘絨球的氈拖鞋;rayon satin slippers with embroidered vamps 繡花面人絲緞拖鞋;
1.This machine is applicable to steam vamps of leather shoes and sneakers. 適用真皮、皮鞋、運動鞋等鞋面蒸濕效果。
2.Used before curve shaping and lasting, this machine steams vamps and make the leather softer. 曲線定型前或鉗幫前鞋面蒸濕軟化,使皮質更加柔軟。
3.Get covered with dust of shoes, I first wipe the dust off vamps, and then painted with shoe polish, carefully rub to a rub, leather shoes on Will become bright and looked good. 拿到沾滿灰塵的皮鞋後,我先把鞋面的灰塵擦掉,然後塗上鞋油,仔仔細細地擦一擦,皮鞋就會變得又亮又好看了。