FDDIabbr. [計] 光纖分佈式數據接口(Fiber Distributed Data Interface)
FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface;光纖分佈數據接口;光纖分佈式數字接口;光纖局域網;FDDI System 光纜接受/發射系統;FDDI - 光纖分佈式數據接口;FDDI physical sublayer FDDI 實體子層;FDDI network equipment 光纖分散式資料介面網路設備;光纖分佈式資料界面網路設備;
1.This allows FDDI to get very close to its theoretical bandwidth: Generally, FDDI can operate at 99 percent of its capacity. 這就允許fddi非常接近它的理論帶寬:一般而言,fddi可以以其高達99%的能力運作。
2.Shared fast Ethernet is effectively about 58M bit/sec when you consider collisions and overhead, whereas FDDI is effectively 95% utilization. 當考慮碰撞和開銷時,共享式快速以太網有效地達到58兆位/秒,而FDDI有效利用率達95%。
3.In addition to supporting new LAN technologies like Gigabit Ethernet, these switches also support existing backbone technologies, such as ATM and FDDI. 除支持諸如千兆位以太網一類的LAN新技術外,這些交換機也支持現有的主幹技術,如ATM和FDDI。