isuabbr. 整體式瞄準鏡裝置(Itegrated Sight-Unit);國際滑冰聯盟(International Skating Union)
ISU 國際滑冰聯盟;國際滑聯;愛荷華州立大學;國際滑冰聯合會;ISU InterfaceSurveillanceUnit 接口監視裝置;ISU chem 新鮮掛面剛出鍋;ISU PAG 全合成冷凍機油;ISU InterfaceSharingUnit 接口共享部件;
1.In 2006, there were more teachers teaching in the United States from ISU than from any other school in the country. 在2006年,在美國任教的老師中,畢業自伊利諾州立大學的人數勝過於其他學校。
2.It is not only the pollution of the environment but also the large waste of the resource containing iron unless it isu-utilized after recovery. 這些塵泥回收後不加以利用,不僅會造成環境污染也是對含鐵資源的巨大浪費。
3.Target shooting has been established as a. major international sport through the International Shooting Union (ISU), which conducts world championships. 在國際射擊聯合會(ISU)主持下,世界錦標賽等成為射擊運動的重要國際賽事。