Monsieur Claude Alphonse NSILOU 居住條件、城市規劃及建設部長;Monsieur Klein 克萊恩先生;克萊因先生;奇連先生;Monsieur 先生;(法)先生;Monsieur Beaucaire 博凱爾先生;理髮師萬歲;Monsieur Batignole 逃出法蘭西;
1.Waiter: Monsieur et Madame, Drummond should be along shortly. Bon Appetit! 侍者:鄧蒙德先生和夫人馬上就來,祝你們愉快。
2."Monsieur, " returned Villefort, "I was then a royalist, because I believed the Bourbons not only the heirs to the throne, but the chosen of the nation. 「先生,」維爾福答道,「我當時是一個保皇黨人,因為當時我以為波旁家族不僅是王伯的嫡系繼承者,而且是國人所擁戴的君主。
3.At the same moment, the bugles of the Prussians returning from drill blared under our windows. Monsieur Hamel rose, pale as death, from his chair. 與此,普魯士士兵的操練完回營的號聲在的窗戶下迴響……阿麥爾先生從椅子上站了起來,面色十分蒼白。
4.Falling in step with Monsieur Renaud, the moon busting through the greasy sky like a punctured balloon, I fell immediately into the realm of the transcendental. 於是我同勒諾先生並排走,這時月亮像被刺破的氣球從油膩膩的天空中躍出,我亦立刻墮入了超然的王國中。
5.Ah, Monsieur Priest, you love not the crudities of the true. 咳!主教先生,您不愛真理的辛辣味兒。從前基督卻不像您這樣。