animal pollinated plant zoophilous plant 動物傳粉植物;Check first samples and releasee the samples for the delivering to the lead plant or local plant 檢查工廠提供的樣品並且為交付總部或本地廠的樣品放行;indoor decorative plant house plant 室內裝飾植物;indoor decorative plant house plant 室內裝飾植物;Application of Desulphurization Plant of Spray - in - empty - tower Type in Shijiazhuang Cogeneration Power Plant 空塔噴淋式脫硫裝置在石家莊熱電廠的應用;
1.Electronic plant, electrical appliance plant, instrument plant, printing plant, textile plant, costume plant, office, etc. 電子、電器、儀表、塑膠、五金、印刷、紡織、服裝、辦公室等。
2.Subject_Topical_Eng: Ethnobotany; Compleat Botanica; traditional plant uses; historical plant uses; plant lore; Plant Pictures. 民族植物學;植物大全;傳統的植物使用;歷史的植物使用;植物知識;植物圖片。
3.Subject_Topical_Eng: Ethnobotany; Compleat Botanica; traditional plant uses; historical plant uses; plant lore; Plant Pictures. 民族植物學;植物大全;傳統的植物使用;歷史的植物使用;植物知識;植物圖片。
4.Subject_Topical_Eng: Ethnobotany; Compleat Botanica; traditional plant uses; historical plant uses; plant lore; Plant Pictures. 民族植物學;植物大全;傳統的植物使用;歷史的植物使用;植物知識;植物圖片。
5.Ltd. , Bearing Plant City, the city of boiler plant, the city of Thermal Power Plant, the printing plant in the north, and other large and medium-sized enterprises. 轄區內有郊區電力局、飛機工業有限公司、市軸承廠、市鍋爐廠、市熱電二廠、北方印刷廠等大中型企事業單位。
Building a nuclear power plant now would not be doing the environment any favors. - 建核電站對於環境沒有什麼好處。
Hollywood is the biggest plant for dreams. - 好萊塢是最大的夢工場。
Today, they will introduce to you our newly built plant and research center. - 今天,他們將會向您介紹我們新落成的工廠和研究中心。
Confidence is a plant of slow growth. - 信任是一種生長緩慢的植物。
A plant may produce new flowers; man is young but once. - 花有重開日,人無再少年。
True friendship is a plant of slow growth. - 真正的友誼像是生長緩慢的植物。
Only the Earth provides ideal conditions, and even here it has taken more than four billion years for plant and animal life to evolve. - 只有地球提供理想的條件,而即使在這裡,植物和動物的進化也用了40億年的時間。
In the first instance, we would be looking for plant life, rather than 'little green men'. - 首先我們要尋找植物,而不是那種「小綠人」。
After all, all living creatures live by feeding on something else, whether it be plant or animal, dead or alive, and it is only by chance that such a fate is avoided. - 因為一切生物都是靠吃別的東西來活命的,不管這種東西是植物還是動物,死的還是活的,因此,生物偶爾才能避免被吃掉的命運。
I'd like to have my boss go through the plant some day. - 我真想叫我老闆哪天也過來看看。
It's Tree Planting Day. We're going to plant trees in the park along the lake. - 明天是植樹節。我們要去公園/沿著湖邊種樹。
Will you help me plant this tree, please? - 你願幫著種這棵樹嗎?
Several weeks after that, I will plant them in rows in the field. - 再過幾個星期,我還要把它們一行行地栽到菜地裡。
Use the lab and prepare some plant food for young tomatoes. - 用實驗室為西紅柿幼苗準備一些養分。
Then grow some tomatoes in one box which has plant food in the soil and some in another box which doesn't. - 然後,在一個箱子裡種一些西紅柿,裡面的土有養料,而在另一個箱子裡也種一些,但裡面的土沒有養料。
lectin; lectine; plant agglutinin - 外源凝集素
plant chromatography - 工業色譜法
plant health and safety - 工廠安全衛生
plant health and safety regulation - 工廠安全衛生規程
plant drainage - 工廠排水
plant indicator - 指示植物
contact plant of sulfuric acid - 接觸法硫酸廠
ink plant moxibustion - 旱蓮炙
plant alkaloid; vegetable base; vegeto alkali; vegetoalkali - 植物鹼
plant fiber - 植物纖維
plant fiber filtering medium - 植物纖維濾材
plant community - 植物群落
plant gum - 植物膠
plant protease test - 植物蛋白酶試驗
plant anatomy; vegetable anatomy - 植物解剖學
plant hemagglutinin - 植物轎球凝集素
plant cover; vegetation; vegetative cover - 植被
plant protection - 植物保護
lectin plant agglutinin; phytagglutinin; phytoagglutinin; phytohaemagglutinin; phytohemagglutinin - 植物凝集素
plant taxonomy - 植物分類學
phytochemistry; plant chemistry - 植物化學
toxins of plant origin - 植物天然毒素
plant spore - 植物孢子
phytoalexin; plant antiokin - 植物抗毒素
phytohormone; plant hormone - 植物激素
plant chemotaxonomy - 植物生化分類學
phytobiochemistry; plant biochemistry - 植物生物化學
plant physiology - 植物生理學
auxin; plant growth hormone - 植物生長激素
plant growth regulator - 植物生長調節劑
plant growth retardant - 植物生長阻滯劑
plant kingdom - 植物界
plant virus - 植物病毒
phytopathology; plant pathology - 植物病理學
fuligo e herbis; fuligo plantae; plant soot - 百草霜
n. plant of storage - 礦藏廠
n. plant of ore storage - 礦藏板
n. coal preparation plant design - 選煤廠設計
n.休眠植物 - a dormant plant
適酸植物,喜酸植物 - acid plant
n.氣生植物 - aerial plant
氣中植物,空氣植物 - air plant
鹼性植物 - alkaline plant
高山植物 - alpine plant
兩棲植物 - amphibious plant
胺黑10B - amide plant
氨植物 - ammonia plant
n.一年生植物 - annual plant
喜蟻植物,適蟻植物 - ant plant
n.水生植物 - aquatic plant
寒帶植物,極地植物 - arctic plant
無管植物 - asiphonogamous plant
C3植物 - C3 plant
C4植物 - C4 plant
喜鈣植物 - calciphilous plant
避鈣植物,嫌鈣植物 - calciphobous plant
食蟲植物 - carnivorous plant
n.化工廠 - chemical plant
n.氯鹼工廠 - chlor-alkali plant
攀緣植物,攀援植物 - climbing plant
n.接觸法硫酸廠 - contact plant of sulfuric acid
墊狀植物 - cushion plant
隱花植物 - cryptogamic plant
n.含氰甙植物 - cyanide glucoside plant
n.奶製品加工廠 - dairy pro-duct plant
沙漠植物 - desert plant
雌雄異株植物 - dioecious plant
藥草 - drug plant
砂丘植物 - dune plant
原種苗,良種苗 - elite plant
浮游植物,水生植物 - emerged plant
水生植物 - emerging plant
全體植物 - entire plant
雌株 - female plant
漂浮葉植物 - floating leaved plant
漂浮植物 - floating plant
顯花植物 - flowering plant
n.食品加工廠 - food processing plant
淡水植物 - freshwater plant
n.垃圾處理場 - garbage disposal plant
綠色植物 - green plant
n.喜陽植物 - heliphilous plant
n.高等植物 - higher plant
指示植物 - indicator plant
n.旱蓮炙 - ink plant moxibustion
食蟲植物,捕蟲植物 - insectivorous plant
n.植物凝集素 - lectin plant agglutinin
n.豆科植物 - leguminous plant