bsgabbr. 英國標準線規(British Standard Gauge)
BSG 防爆配電櫃;硼硅玻璃;Belt Driven Starter Generator;英國胃腸病學會;BSG Basic Super Group 基本超級群;Basic Service Group BSG 基本業務群;BSG-T 防爆配電櫃;BSG British Standard Guage 英國線規;
1.BSG 5 gene was cloned by subtractive different screening as a new gene expressed specifically in mouse brain. 基因是用消減差異篩選的方法克隆到的在小鼠胚胎頭部特異表達的新基因。
2.Thank God that there is pregnant sister in each BSG. But one sister has miscarriage. Pray that God will comfort her. 感謝神,各查經班都有姐妹懷孕,但其中也有姐妹流產的,求神安慰她受傷的心靈。
3.BSG: i will continue to perform Tomboy in music programs, show programs, radio shows, and here, i will visit regularly. i will work very hard. 我會繼續在音樂節目裡表演野丫頭,我會定期上電視節目,收音和這裡的。我會很努力的。