





n. gorge ,gullet ,oesophagus


esophagus[i:'sɔfəɡəs]n. 食管;食道


esophagus 食道;食管;食道管;食管/食道;esophagus vulnus 食道創傷;Barrett esophagus 巴瑞特食管;釋義:巴雷特食管(下部食管粘膜呈柱狀上皮,易發生炎症潰瘍或癌);巴雷特食管;double esophagus 雙食管;Thoracic esophagus 釋義:胸部食管;


1.Esophagitis (or Oesophagitis) is inflammation of the esophagus. 什麼是'食管炎-炎症的食管'?

2.Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Liver Cirrhosis, Esophagus (Frozen. 組織,切片,病人,肝硬化,食管(冰凍切片。

3.First it passes through the esophagus and into a temporary storage organ, the crop. 首先,它經食道進入一個暫時的貯存器官,即嗉囊。


esophagus kidneys; heart; trachea; vertebrarium - 心臟

reconstruction of esophagus with jrjunum - 空腸代食管術

reconstruction of esophagus with colon - 結腸代食管再建術

anus; cardia; esophagus kidneys; trachea; vertebrarium - 肛門

reconstruction of esophagus with gastric tube - 胃管代食管再造術

cardia; columna vertebralis; esophagus kidneys; spinal column; spine; trachea; vertebrarium - 脊柱

esophagus malformation - 食管畸形

esophagus cell collector - 食道細胞採取器

esophagus and stomach detector - 食道胃探測器

esophagus scintigraghy - 食道閃爍顯像術


n.腹部食管 - abdominal esophagus

n.食管腺棘癌 - acanthoadenocarcinoma of esophagus

食道馳緩不能,食管馳緩不能 - achalasia of esophagus

n.食管腺癌 - adenocarcinoma of esophagus

n.食管腺瘤 - adenoma of esophagus

n.食管外膜 - adventitious coat of esophagus

n.食管氣囊填塞術 - airballoon tamponade of esophagus

食道主動脈交叉部,食管主動脈交差部 - aortic crossing of esophagus

n.人工食道 - artificial esophagus

n.食道吞鋇檢查 - barium meal examination of esophagus

n.食管鋇餐檢查 - barium radiography of esophagus

n.食管基底細胞癌 - basal cell carcinoma of esophagus

n.頸段食管良性狹窄 - benign stricture of cervical part of esophagus

n.食管燒傷 - burn of esophagus

n.食管類癌瘤 - carcinoid of esophagus

n.食管癌 - carcinoma of esophagus

n.食管癌肉瘤 - carcinosarcoma of esophagus

頸部食管 - cervical esophagus

n.頸段 - cervical part of esophagus

n.化學性食管燒傷 - chemical burn of esophagus

n.食管瘢痕狹窄 - cicartricial stricture of esophagus

n.先天性食管閉鎖 - congenital atresia of esophagus

n.先天性雙食管 - congenital double esophagus

n.先天性短食管 - congenital short esophagus

n.先天性食管狹窄 - congenital stricture of esophagus

n.先天性食管過短 - congential short esophagus

n.食管腐蝕傷 - corrosive lesion of esophagus

食管膈狹窄部 - diaphragmatic pinching of esophagus

n.食管擴張術 - dilatation of esophagus

n.食管對端吻合術 - endto-end anastomosis of esophagus

n.食管嗜酸細胞肉芽腫 - eosinophilic granuloma of esophagus

n.食管脫落細胞學檢查 - exfoliative cytological examination of esophagus

n.食管功能性障礙 - functional disturbance of esophagus

n.頸食管傷 - injury of cervical part of esophagus

n.食管損傷 - injury of esophagus

n.食管上皮內癌 - intraepithelial carcinoma of esophagus

n.食管粘膜骨癌 - intramucosal carcinoma of esophagus

n.食管角化型鱗癌 - keratinized squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus

n.食管平滑肌瘤 - leiomyoma of esophagus

n.食管惡性黑瘤 - malignant melanoma of esophagus

n.髓質型食管癌 - medullary carcinoma of esophagus

食道中1/3 - middle third of esophagus

n.食管粘膜表皮樣癌 - mucoepidermoid carcinoma of esophagus

裸(麼)酸 - nude-mouse-transplantable human esophagus tumor

n.食管穿孔 - perforation of esophagus

n.食管生理縮窄部 - physiologic narrow part of esophagus

漸進性食管癌 - progressive esophagus cancer

n.結腸代食管再建術 - reconstruction of esophagus with colon

n.胃管代食管再造術 - reconstruction of esophagus with gastric tube

n.空腸代食管術 - reconstruction of esophagus with jrjunum

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