n. unilateral paralysis
hemiplegia[,hemi'pli:dʒiə]n. [醫]偏癱,半身麻痺,半身不遂
hemiplegia 偏癱;半身不遂;癱瘓;半身麻痺;alternating hemiplegia 交替性偏癱;交叉性偏癱;釋義:交叉性肢體癱瘓;hemiplegia migraine 偏癱性頭痛;hemiplegia cruciate 交叉上下肢偏癱;交*上下肢偏癱;交叉性上下肢癱;釋義:交叉性上下肢癱;hemiplegia syndrome 偏癱綜合征;
1.ObjectiveTo observe the effect of multidisciplinary rehabilitation on prognosis of patients with stroke hemiplegia. 目的觀察綜合康復治療對腦卒中偏癱患者預後的影響。
2.Objective:To observe the therapeutic effect of Piantan Wan (Bolus for hemiplegia) plus rehabilitation training on apoplexy hemiplegia. 目的:觀察偏癱丸結合康復訓練治療中風偏癱的臨床療效。
3.Objective:To explore the effects of standardized three stages′ rehabilitation on the motor function in stroke patients with hemiplegia. 目的:探索規範的三級康復治療對於腦卒中偏癱患者運動功能的影響。
hemiparalysis; hemiplegia; hemiplegia semiplegia - 半身不遂
hemiplegia alternans abducens - 外展神經交叉偏癱
hemiplegia alternans abducens; raymonds syndrome - 雷蒙氏綜合征
hemiplegia alternans inferior - 面神經交叉性偏癱
hemiplegia after apolexy; hemiplegia after apoplexy - 風痱
急性小兒偏癱,急性小兒半身不遂 - acute infantile hemiplegia
n.交叉性偏癱 - alternate hemiplegia
交替性偏癱 - alternating hemiplegia
n.動眼神經交叉偏癱 - alternating oculomotor hemiplegia
n.內囊性偏癱 - capsular hemiplegia
n.腦性偏癱 - cerebral hemiplegia
n.對側偏癱 - contralateral hemiplegia
n.交叉性偏癱 - crossed hemiplegia
面部半側麻痺,面偏癱 - facial hemiplegia
n.面臂偏癱 - faciobrachial hemiplegia
n.面舌偏癱 - faciolingual hemiplegia
n.弛緩性偏癱 - flaccid hemiplegia
同側半側麻痺,同側麻痺 - homolateral hemiplegia
n.腦橋性偏癱 - pontile hemiplegia
n.進行性神經病性肌萎縮 - progressiva ascending hemiplegia
n.痙攣性偏癱 - spastic hemiplegia
n.脊髓性偏癱 - spinal hemiplegia