China buys IMF notes 中國購買IMF債券;imf jargon 國際貨幣基金組織活動;IMF 國際貨幣基金組織;國際貨幣基金;國際貨幣基金會;International Monetary Fund;the IMF 國際貨幣基金;國際貨幣基金組織;全地球貨幣基金;imf institute 國際貨幣基金研究所;
1.The study examined, in less than no time, the rationale of the IMF-centralized international monetary order and legal effect of the IMF Agreement through and through. 此外,並研究基金組織協定的法律效力,從法源及客體屬會員國與否的法律效力為分析的架構,以期完整涵括以基金為核心之國際貨幣秩序的法理基礎與基本結構。
2.The study examined, in less than no time, the rationale of the IMF-centralized international monetary order and legal effect of the IMF Agreement through and through. 此外,並研究基金組織協定的法律效力,從法源及客體屬會員國與否的法律效力為分析的架構,以期完整涵括以基金為核心之國際貨幣秩序的法理基礎與基本結構。
3.China gets barracked for its current-account surplus, which was $372 billion last year, according to the IMF. 中國因為它的經常項目盈餘而飽受指責,根據IMF的計算,該餘額在去年達到了3720億美元。
4.Even more important the creation of a beefier but gentler IMF will give emerging economies a credible alternative to the practice of building up enormous foreign-exchange reserves. 更重要的是,建立一個更強大但更溫和的IMF會給新興經濟體在進行巨量外匯儲備以外,提供一個值得信賴的選擇。
5.Some African governments can afford fresh loans from China only because the AfDB, the IMF and the World Bank recently forgave their sour ones. 一些非洲政府只能從中國貸款,因為非洲開發銀行,國際貨幣基金組織,世界銀行最近才免了他們還不上的貸款。