intra-['intrə]pref. 表示「在內」;表示「內部」
intra- 在內,內,內部;在……裡;內部,內在;在內美特斯邦威所有夏裝;intra-ocular pressure 眼內壓;intra-dayrepurchaseagreement 即日回購協議;intra-oral 口內的;intra-urban mobility 市內流動;
1.The share of intra-regional trade has increased, but the terminal demand still relies on Europe and USA, esp. the latter. 出口地區結構有所變化,區域內貿易比重增加,但最終需求仍然嚴重依賴歐美,特別是美國。
2.At the same time, the green innovations would flourish under the motivation from property, market, intra-enterprise and government. 綠色創新的大量湧現需要從產權、市場、企業內部及政府政策等方面給予激勵。
3.The experiences of the development of the intra-country reform 30 years can include that fixing foundation, startup power source, permit starting point and so on. 30年縣域改革發展的經驗可主要概括為牢記根本點、啟動動力源、找準出發點、瞄準著力點、孕育生長點、領導是關鍵等;