Kennedyn. 肯尼迪(姓氏,美國第35任總統)
Kennedy 肯尼迪;甘迺迪 愛爾蘭 武士之首,指領導者 (被暗殺的總統);甘迺迪;英國原裝進口;Jackie Kennedy 肯尼迪;甘迺迪;甘迺迪;迪夫人;Cory Kennedy 科裡·肯尼迪;肯尼迪;歲美少女科裡;Dan Kennedy 肯尼迪;甘迺迪;甘迺迪;美國 門將;James Kennedy 肯尼迪;甘-雅各;甘迺迪;甘雅各博士;
1.No, but we went to the Kennedy Center. 沒有,不過,我們去了肯尼迪中心。
2.Some cancer experts believe that doctors are unlikely to operate on Senator Kennedy. 一些癌症專家相信,醫生不可能給參議員肯尼迪做手術。
3.One threat claimed a sniper would target Kennedy as his motorcade traveled from Dublin Airport to the residence of the Irish president at the start of his visit. 第一個威脅聲明將有一個狙擊手在肯尼迪訪問的開始在他的車隊從都柏林機場開往愛爾蘭總統官邸的途中襲擊他。
Did anyone find a camera bag this afternoon,a small canvas bag,on the J. F. Kennedy Ferry?…No? - 請問今天下午有人撿到一個照像機旅行袋嗎?一個小的粗帆布袋,是在J. F. Kennedy號渡船上丟的。……沒有嗎
And the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington. - 還有位於華盛頓的甘迪表演藝術中心。
OK. We have a nonstop flight leaving Kennedy at 9:25. - 好的。9點25分有一趟直達班機,從肯尼迪國際機場起飛。