n. linguistic communication ,linguistic process ,nomenclature ,oral communication
languagesn. 語系,語種;語言文字(language複數)
Languages 語言;語言能力;語言文字;語言學;Romance Languages 傳奇文學;羅馬語;羅曼斯語;羅曼語;Celtic Languages 細胞語言;塞爾特語;塞爾特諸語言;凱爾特語;Assembly Languages 彙編語言;組合語言;組合語言;釋義:彙編語言;European Languages 歐洲語言;
1.He knows five languages. 他精通五種語言。
2.I see, do you speak any other languages? 知道了,你能講其他國家的語言嗎?
3.Taiwan and Korea, although we speak different languages. 台灣與韓國,雖然說著不同的語言。
How many languages do you speak? - 你會講幾種語言?
I can speak English as far as foreign languages are concerned. - 就外語來說,我只會講英語。
Learning foreigh languages should be fun. - 學習外語應該是樂趣無窮的。
I have been exposed to languages such as English, Spanish, and French. - 我接觸過英語、西班牙語和法語。
How many languages do you speak? - 你說多少種語言?
As the heads of next-generation start-ups, these Asian innovators can draw on customs and languages to forge righter links with crucial Pacific Rim markets. - 作為新掘起一代的帶頭人,亞裔發明家可以憑借他們在習慣和語言上的優勢,與關鍵的太平洋沿岸市場建立起更加牢固的聯繫。
I think foreign languages are more interesting than science. - 我想外語比自然科學更有趣。
It is one of the world's most important languages because it is so widely used. - 英語使用得如此廣泛,它已成為全球最重要的語言之一。
The language which the Maori speak is related to the languages of Tahiti and Hawaiil. - 毛利人講的語言與塔希提島和夏威夷的語言有同源關係。
What languages did they speak? - 他們講什麼語言?