good-looking nice-looking clean-cut nice 好看的;good-looking nice-looking clean-cut nice 好看的;fancy freakish peculiar rum vagarious 奇特的;a peculiar happening 怪事;奇事;infrequent peculiar unusual unwonted 罕見的;
1.The reversible gel is a kind of high molecular polymer. It has peculiar thermal invertibility and peculiar thermal sensitivity. 熱可逆凝膠是一種高分子聚合物,具用獨特的熱可逆性。
2.Look! Here are a lot of peculiar-looking ears! In fact, they are the stalactites, which are called Rock Flag. It is formed by the liquid containing calcium bicarbonate. (奇耳薈萃GalaxyofPeculiar-lookingEars)遊客朋友您看一下,這裡有許多奇形怪狀的耳朵,其實呢它是鐘乳石的一種,我們稱之為石旗。
3.Our gallery is based on stable academicism, and the objective is grasping at contemporary trends, looking at artistic predecessors with reverence and looking to the future. 畫廊以堅實的學院為背景,把握當代、瞻仰前輩、關注未來為宗旨。
4.Patriotism is easy to understand in America; it means looking out for yourself by looking out for your country. --Calvin Coolidge. 愛國主義在美國是很容易理解的;它意味著用警惕你的國家的方式警惕自己。——凱文·柯立芝。
5.Weird, humanoid-looking figures stand around, looking on while the terrified fellow is caught in an eerie state of immobility. 旁邊站著一群怪異的有人某些特徵的東西,試圖知道這些是否處於靜止狀態。