





a. foetal


fetal['fi:tl]adj. 胎的,胎兒的


fetal 胎兒的;胎兒:;胎的;胎腺瘤;Fetal Stage 胎兒期;胎兒期:;fetal lie 胎產式;胎位;fetal presentation 胎先露;fetal bradycardia 胎心過緩;釋義:胎心緩慢;


1.The idea is to simulate the human birth process by manually moving the fetal head through the pelvis. 這個想法旨在通過手工移動嬰兒頭骨通過骨盆,來模仿人類的生產過程。

2.To explore the methods of isolation and purification of human fetal liver stem cells in vitro and analyze the bionomics . 研究人胎肝干細胞體外分離純化方法,並對其進行初步鑒定及生物學特性分析。

3.However, pregnant mothers can pass the virus to the fetus, and a severe anemia with fetal hydrops and intrauterine demise can result. 但是,懷孕的婦女患病毒感染可以傳給胎兒,胎兒會出現嚴重的貧血、水腫或是形成宮內死胎。


descent; descent of fetal head; fall; ?descent - 下降

artificial rupture of fetal menbranes - 人工破膜術

coronal suture of fetal head - 兒頭冠狀縫

sagittal suture of fetal head - 兒頭矢狀縫

artificial abortion; fetal abortion - 墮胎

basal fetal heart rate - 基礎胎兒心率

doppler fetal detector - 多普勒胎兒探測儀

doppler ultrasound fetal beat detector; ultrasonic fetal heart beat detector - 多普勒胎心檢測儀

fetal death - 宮內死亡

barts fetal hydrops - 巴氏胎兒水腫

manual rotation of fetal head - 手轉胎頭術

early fetal death - 早期胎死

late fetal death - 晚期胎死

hourly fetal urine production rate - 每小時胎兒泌尿率

fetal adenoma of thyuroid gland - 甲狀腺胎性腺瘤

electronic fetal monitoring - 電子胎兒監護

rotation of fetal head by vacuum extractor - 真空吸引器旋轉胎頭術

fetal body - 胎體

fetal alcohol syndrome - 胎兒乙醇綜合征

antepartum fetal death - 胎兒產前死亡

intrapartum fetal death - 胎兒產間死亡

fetal breathing movement; fetal respiratory movement - 胎兒呼吸運動

fetal adenoma of thyroid - 胎兒型甲狀腺腺瘤

fetal abenoma - 胎兒型腺瘤

fetal scalp blood sampling for ph determination - 胎兒頭皮血標本pH測定

intrauterine fetal monicoring; intrauterine fetal monitoring - 胎兒宮內情況監護

fetal asphyxia; fetal distress; intrauterine aspghxia; intrauterine asphyxia; intrauterineasphyxia - 胎兒宮內窒息

intrauterine fetal anoxia - 胎兒宮內缺氧

fetal zone - 胎兒帶

fetal abnormality - 胎兒異常

fetal bradycardia - 胎兒心搏徐緩

fetal heart rate; fhr - 胎兒心搏率

fetal tachycardia - 胎兒心搏過速

fetal electrocardiogram - 胎兒心電圖

fetal heart sounds; fetal heart tone - 胎兒心音

fetal heart sound chart; fetal phonocardiogram - 胎兒心音圖

fetal heart heard - 胎兒心音已聞

fetal phonocardiograph - 胎兒心音記錄器

fetal sex-determinationunit; obstetric sex judgement outfit - 胎兒性別判定器

fetal maturity - 胎兒成熟度

assessment of fetal maturity - 胎兒成熟度判斷

fetal maturity test - 胎兒成熟試驗

fetal nucleus - 胎兒核

fetal alcohol syndrome - 胎兒灑精綜合征

fetal occult blood - 胎兒潛血

fetal electronec monitoring; fetal electronic monitoring - 胎兒電子監護

fetal malformation; fetal monitor; monster - 胎兒畸形

fetal cortex - 胎兒皮質

fetal monitor - 胎兒監護器

fetal distress; intrauterine asphyxia; intrauterineasphyxia - 胎兒窘迫


n.胎兒產前死亡 - antepartum fetal death

n.胎兒成熟度判斷 - assessment of fetal maturity

n.人工破膜術 - artificial rupture of fetal menbranes

n.巴氏胎兒水腫 - barts fetal hydrops

n.基礎胎兒心率 - basal fetal heart rate

n.兒頭冠狀縫 - coronal suture of fetal head

n.胎頭下降 - descending of fetal head

n.下降 - descent of fetal head

n.多普勒胎兒探測儀 - doppler fetal detector

n.多普勒胎心檢測儀 - doppler ultrasound fetal beat detector

n.早期胎死 - early fetal death

n.電子胎兒監護 - electronic fetal monitoring

n.胎頭銜接 - engagement of fetal head

n.胎兒血紅蛋白 - hemoglobin fetal

遺傳性高胎兒血紅蛋白血症 - hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin

n.每小時胎兒泌尿率 - hourly fetal urine production rate

n.胎息銘 - inscribed monograph on fetal breathing

n.胎兒產間死亡 - intrapartum fetal death

n.胎兒宮內缺氧 - intrauterine fetal anoxia

子宮內胎兒死亡 - intrauterine fetal death

n.胎兒宮內情況監護 - intrauterine fetal monicoring

n.胎兒宮內情況監護 - intrauterine fetal monitoring

子宮內胎兒輸血 - intrauterine fetal transfusion

分晚和胎兒心臟監聽器 - labor and fetal heart monitor

n.晚期胎死 - late fetal death

隱性胎兒窘迫 - latent fetal distress

n.手轉胎頭術 - manual rotation of fetal head

n.胎頭變形 - molding of fetal head

n.真空吸引器旋轉胎頭術 - rotation of fetal head by vacuum extractor

n.兒頭矢狀縫 - sagittal suture of fetal head

n.血清甲種胎兒蛋白測定 - serum alpha fetal protein determination

n.超聲胎兒心搏探測裝置,多普勒胎心檢測儀 - ultrasonic fetal heart beat detector

n.超聲胎兒心率計 - ultrasonic fetal rate detector


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