houseboy['haus,bɔi]n. 男僕;僮僕
houseboy 男僕;houseboy pants 男服務員褲(七分長褲腳,腰有同料帶結);a gentleman's gentleman boy footman groom houseboy houseman lackey manservant 男僕;
1.The houseboy comes to mop our kitchen floor twice a week. 女傭每週兩次到我家來拖洗廚房地板。
2.Up until now, the worst thing I'd ever seen was my father doing tequila shots off the naked houseboy. After this, I would gladly make that my screensaver. 在此之前,我目睹過最可怕的事情是我老爸從全裸的男傭人身上吮龍舌蘭酒,我現在很樂意把那個當電腦屏保了。
3.We return to the Salon, just as afternoon tea arrives. It is served by Miguel, the Brazilian houseboy who has accompanied Lisa Marie everywhere in the last two years. 下午茶端來時我們恰好回到沙龍。是由巴西裔家童米蓋爾端上來的,過去兩年是他隨處陪伴著麗莎瑪麗。