rancho['rɑ:ntʃəu, 'ræn-]n. 牧場上工人的棚屋;牧場
rancho 牧人;農場工人住的棚屋;蘭求;牧場;Matra Rancho 馬特拉-蘭紹牌汽車;馬特拉·蘭奇;馬特拉-蘭紹牌汽車(法);Rio Rancho 裡奧蘭珠市;新墨西哥州里奧蘭曹;El Rancho 大牧場;Rancho Cucamonga 庫卡蒙加牧場;蘭丘庫卡蒙卡;庫卡蒙格牧場;庫卡蒙加;
1.Rancho de Santa Fe is spent the first group in Shanghai villa development project manager of this, little of this is a very good eye to see. 蘭喬聖菲是萬科集團在上海開發的第一個別墅項目,就憑這一點,點點也很想好好看看這個項一目。
2.Before the outbreak of the San Bernardino fire, firefighters had been battling a blaze that started five days ago in the steep and rugged foothills north of Rancho Cucamonga. 在聖貝納迪諾大火爆發前,火警們已經在同五天前在崎嶇陡峭的蘭喬·庫卡蒙加山腳北部爆發的大火戰鬥。
3.Rancho de Santa Fe located at the town Huacao Kam Fai Road, North Green Road junction, near the western estates, and went with the estate in the international community in Chinatown. 蘭喬聖菲位於華漕鎮金輝路、北青公路路口,臨近西郊莊園,與西郊莊園同在在金豐國際社區。
The mammoth has now been restored in the Palaeontological Museum in Leningrad. Other animals were trapped in tar pits, like the elephants, sabre-toothed cats, and numerous other creatures that are found at Rancho la Brea,which is now just a suburb of Los - 這頭長毛像已被修復,現存於聖彼得堡古生物學博物館。有的動物掉進天然瀝清坑裡被保存下來,如在蘭橋。拉。布裡 -- 現在是洛杉磯的郊區發現的大象、劍齒虎和許多其他動物。