riskier['riski]adj.risky的變形adj. 危險的;冒險的;擔風險的鋌而走險的;大膽的= risque變形: riskier , riskiest
riskier 更加危險;
1.It is also a useful starting point for estimating discount rates for safer or riskier projects. 對於估算更安全或者更有風險的項目的貼現率,它也是一個有益的出發點。
2.Politicians ought to admit that markets have valid reasons to believe that it is riskier to lend money to Greece than to Germany. 無論如何,政治人士要得承認:市場有充分理由相信,希臘和德國相比,借錢給希臘更具風險。
3.And this, it's argued, will encourage even riskier behavior in the future, since executives at big banks will know that it's heads they win, tails taxpayers lose. 人們爭辯說,這樣將在將來鼓勵風險更大的行為,原因是大銀行的高管明白賺了他們得大頭,輸了納稅人損失這種道理。