self-sacrifice self-abnegation self-devotion self-immolation self-renunciation 自我犧牲;self-sacrifice self-abnegation self-devotion self-immolation self-renunciation 自我犧牲;self-sacrifice self-abnegation self-devotion self-immolation self-renunciation 自我犧牲;self-sacrifice self-abnegation self-devotion self-immolation self-renunciation 自我犧牲;self-sacrifice self-abnegation self-devotion self-immolation self-renunciation 自我犧牲;
1.Sacrifice culture was the most dominant content of Confucians Rite culture and sacrifice was an important part of academy education and instruction. 祭祀文化是儒家禮制文化最重要的內容之一,祭祀是書院教育的一個重要組成部分。
2.The sacrifices point to the great sacrifice of grace, our Lord Jesus. Without this sacrifice there is no forgiveness or hope for mankind. 但所獻的祭代表最偉大的恩典之祭──我們的主耶穌基督,沒有這個祭,人類就沒有赦罪的盼望。
3.Robert Spritz: David, sacrifice is… to get anything of value, you have to sacrifice. 大衛,犧牲就是……為了得到有價值的東西,你就必須犧牲。
4.The selected persons whom sacrifice to and their status in the system of sacrifice often indicate intuitively and iconically their importance in the Confucian orthodoxy. 書院祭祀對象的確定及其在祭祀系統中的地位,往往直觀、形象地反映
5.Sacrifice is to get anything of value, you have to sacrifice. 犧牲是為得到有價值的東西,你一定要有所犧牲。