





NASA Approves Space Shuttle Discovery Flight 美國國家航天航空局批准航天飛機發現號升空;Discovery Ancient Astronauts 遠古太空人;Discovery Atlantis 尋找亞特蘭提斯;discovery 發現;探索;發現物;顯示;Great Discovery 偉大的發現;好棒的發現;畎大典發秭;巨大的發明;


1.Mobile dictionary that contains information such as atomic weight, date of discovery, country of discovery etc. 移動字典包含資料,如原子的重量,日期的發現,國家發現等。

2.Discovery Mind Kindergarten and Child Care Center - Located in Discovery Bay. 中華基督教會灣仔堂幼稚園-位於灣仔。

3.Introduced the concept of edge clustering coefficient (ECC) to community structure discovery of simple graph and proposed an algorithm of community discovery based on ECC. 對於簡單圖的社區結構發現,引入邊聚集係數的概念,提出了基於邊聚集係數的社區發現算法。

4.Otavite was discovered as early as 1951, but the present discovery of this mineral in the Nuwjiaotang cadmium-zinc deposit, Guizhou, is probably the first report of its discovery in China. 國外菱鎘礦早在1951年前就已被發現,近期在貴州牛角塘鎘鋅礦床中發現的菱鎘礦為中國首次報道。

5.Scientists say the discovery is much more than a mere curiosity, because the colony consists of what are known as social amoebas. 科學家說這項發現不是單純的奇聞異事,因為該克隆群是由已知的社會性阿米巴蟲組成。


Some time ago, and interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea. - 不久之前,在愛琴海的基亞島上,考古工作者有一項有趣的發現。

an Englishman, Sir John Hawkwood, made the remarkable discovery that people would rather pay large sums of money than have their life work destroyed by gangsters. - 人們情願拿出大筆的錢,也不願畢生的心血毀於歹徒之手。

Perhaps it is the desire for solitude or the chance of making an unexpected discovery that lures people down to the depths of the earth. - 尋求獨處的願望或尋求意外發現的機會的慾望吸引人們來到地下深處。

but when she got out at her own floor, both were forgotten in her sudden discovery that her front door was open. - 但她到自己的樓層走出電梯後,就把這兩件事忘了個乾淨,因為她突然發現她家的大門開著。

Then a police inspector arrived with a constable and she told them of her discovery of the ransacked flat. - 過了一會兒,一位巡官帶著一名警察來了。她向他們講述了發現公寓遭劫的經過。

and we have only to turn to that extraordinary discovery of echo-location in bats to see a case in which the voice plays a strictly utilitarian role. - 我們只要看一看蝙蝠回聲定位這一極不尋常的發現,就可以探究一下聲音在什麼情況下有絕對的實用價值。

For nearly three and a half centuries she lay at the bottom of Stockholm harbour until her discovery in 1956. - 這艘大船在斯德哥爾摩港口的海底躺了將近3個半世紀之後,直到1956年才被發現。

Following his discovery many islanders travelled 3,500 kilometers by sea in their narrow boats to this new country between 1100 and 1350. - 繼其發現之後,許多島民於1100年至1350年間駕著他們那窄小的帆船航行3500公里來到這一新的國度。

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