Allahn. 阿拉;真主
Allah 安拉;阿拉;真主;真主安拉;Insh Allah 情陷撒哈拉;firman allah 神敕;阿拉曰;Khalifat Allah 真主的代位者;Insha Allah 如真主所願;
1.For Allah is He Who gives (all) Sustenance, - Lord of Power, - Steadfast (for ever). 真主確是供給萬物的,確是有權力的,確是堅定的。
2.It is an austere faith, with the central belief being the submission to the absolute power of Allah. 這是一種禁慾的信仰,順從於安拉的絕對權力是該信仰的中心所在。
3.I was taught that they are, and since in Turkish the only translation for God is Allah I really believe they are, but lots of Christians try to tell me differently. 我的父母教我他們是同一位,而且土耳其語真主阿拉的唯一翻譯就是上帝,所以我也相信他們是同一位,但是很多基督徒都告訴我他們不同的。