phalanx['fælæŋks, 'fei-]n. [解]趾骨,指骨;方陣;密集隊形
Phalanx 銀河戰機;方陣;密集陣;指骨;proximal phalanx 近節指骨;近節趾骨;近端指骨;近節指(趾)骨;Phalanx CIWS 方陣近迫武器系統;密集陣近防系統;方陣快炮;密集陣;Phalanx toe 釋義:趾骨;phalanx ungual 釋義:爪指骨,末節指骨,末節趾骨;爪指(趾)骨;
1.Osean Fleet Enemy anti-ship missiles launched! Begin Phalanx fire! 敵人反艦船導彈發射了!密集火力,彈幕掩護!
2.Obviously, America is not like France, where the state controls more than half the economy including a phalanx of big firms. 顯然,美國不像法國,法國的政府控制了一半以上的國民經濟,包括一大批大型企業。
3.Though the phalanx was unwieldy and the equipment cumbersome, Greek hoplites were the best fighters in the Mediterranean world. 雖然方陣不便調度,裝備沈重,希臘的甲兵還是地中海世界最好的戰士。
middle phalanx; phalanx media - 中節指趾骨
phalanx retractor and elevator - 指骨拉鉤起子
distal phalanx traction - 末指節骨牽引術
phalanx tertia; third phalanx - 第三節指骨
phalanx secunda; second phalanx - 第二節指骨
phalanx proximalis; proximal phalanx - 近節指骨
distal phalanx; phalanx distalis - 遠節指骨
n.指骨底 - base of phalanx
n.遠節指骨 - distal phalanx
n.末指節骨牽引術 - distal phalanx traction
n.遠節指骨粗隆 - distal tuberosity of phalanx
n.第一節指骨 - first phalanx
指骨頭,趾骨頭 - head of phalanx
n.中節指趾骨 - middle phalanx
n.近節指骨 - proximal phalanx
n.第二節指骨 - second phalanx
n.指骨體 - shaft of phalanx
n.第三節指骨 - third phalanx
n.指骨滑車,趾骨滑車 - trochlea of phalanx
n.末節指骨 - ungual phalanx