





n. maculation ,spotting


staining['steiniŋ]n. 著色v. 沾染(stain的ing形式)


staining 染色;斑點染色、染斑;染色,染色法;沾污;negative staining 負染色;負染;負染法;染色法;staining dish 染色皿;釋義:染色碟;staining method 著色法;染色法;著色法,染色法;釋義:染色法,著色法;extrinsic staining 外源性染色;外染色;


1.Objective To study the staining method by silver nitrate in preparation of teaching-sample sections in quantity. 目的探討適用於大批製作大腦錐體細胞教學標本切片浸銀染色方法。

2.After staining deep, wet friction particular ideals, and the yellow staining of any basic Photosensitivity no solution is the ideal variable-stained dark yellow . 染色深後,濕摩擦特別理想,並且該黃任何工藝染色時基本沒有光敏性,是解決染色光變的理想特深色黃。

3.The species and staining solution preparation of vegetable dyestuff were introduced. And the new research development of source, fiber dyeing and mordant were introduced. 介紹了植物染料的分類和染液的制備,討論了植物染料在來源、纖維染色、媒染劑等方面的最新研究進展。


liefsons staining method; lliefsons staining method - 利夫桑氏染色法

bodian method; bodian staining method - 博迪恩氏膠體銀染色法

giemsa staining method - 吉姆薩氏染色

homogeneously staining region - 同源染色區

weils rapid staining method - 外爾氏快速染色法

axure staining method - 天青染色法

foots staining method; fouts staining method - 富特氏染色法

nissls staining method - 尼斯爾染色法

nissls staining method - 尼斯爾氏染色法

del rio hortagas silver staining method; dell rio hortegas silver staining method - 德爾裡奧.霍特加氏鍍銀染色法

ranviers gold chloride staining method - 朗飛氏氨化金染色法

staining rack; staining stand - 染架

staining bath; staining trough - 染槽

staining solution - 染液

staining smear examination - 染色體塗片檢查

staining reaction - 染色反應

staining; staining method - 染色法

staining plate - 染色皿

staining jar - 染色缸

graham alphanaphthol pyronin staining method - 格雷漢氏a-奈酚派若寧染色法

cotton blue staining solution - 棉藍染液

ag as; agas; ammoniacal silver staining technique - 氨銀染色技術

preagonal staining; vital staining intravital staining - 活組織染色

penfielas staining method - 潘菲爾德氏染色法

glass staining trough - 玻璃染色槽

staining method - 著色法

staining reagent - 著色試劑

staining for glycogen - 糖原染色

ogata-ogatas silver staining method - 緒方-緒方二氏鍍銀染色法

methylene blue-eosin staining method - 美藍伊紅染色法

automatic staining machine - 自動染色機

automatic isochronous staining machine - 自動等時染色機

blood staining of cornea - 血染角膜

henners staining method; jenners staining metod - 詹納爾氏染色法

da fanos cfoballt nitrate staining method - 達法諾氏硝酸染色法

da fanos cobalt nitrate staining method - 達法諾氏硝酸鈷染色法

ranviers gold chloride staining method - 郎飛氏氯化金染色法

silvered staining method - 鍍銀染色

hortega staining method - 霍特加氏染色法

hortega silver staining method - 霍特加氏銀染色法

gram staining method - 革氏蘭氏染色法

saturated staining solution - 飽和染液

marchis staining method - 馬爾基氏染色法

golgis mixed staining method - 高爾基氏法


n.抗酸性染色法,耐酸性染色法 - acid-fast staining

n.酸性磷酸酶染色 - acid phosphatase staining

n.阿爾伯特氏白喉桿菌染色法 - alberts diphtheria staining

n.鹼性磷酸酶染色 - alkaline phosphatase staining

n.兩性染色 - amphoteric staining

n.氨銀染色技術 - ammoniacal silver staining technique

n.安東尼爾莢膜染色法,安東尼氏莢膜染色法 - anthonys capsule staining

n.自動等時染色機 - automatic isochronous staining machine

n.自動染色機 - automatic staining machine

n.天青染色法 - axure staining method

n.劃線染色 - barred staining

n.皮爾肖斯基氏染色 - bielschowskys staining

n.兩極染色法,又極染色體 - bipolar staining

n.血染角膜 - blood staining of cornea

n.博迪恩氏膠體銀染色法 - bodian staining method

莢膜染色,被膜染色 - capsular staining

n.莢膜染色法 - capsule staining

n.細胞染色提籃器 - cell staining

n.對比染色 - contrast staining

n.角膜螢光素染色法 - corneal fluorescein staining

n.棉藍染液 - cotton blue staining solution

n.復染色法 - coumter staining

復染色法 - counter staining

n.細胞化學染色 - cytochemical staining

n.達法諾氏硝酸染色法 - da fanos cfoballt nitrate staining method

n.達法諾氏硝酸鈷染色法 - da fanos cobalt nitrate staining method

n.達文波特氏鍍銀染色法 - davenports staining

n.德爾裡奧.霍特加氏鍍銀染色法 - del rio hortagas silver staining method

n.德爾裡奧.霍特加氏鍍銀染色法 - dell rio hortegas silver staining method

n.鑒別性螢光染色 - differential fluorescent staining

n.直接染色 - direct staining

電子染色法 - electron staining

n.福爾根氏染色法 - feulgens staining

n.螢光素染色法 - fluorescein staining

n.鞭毛染色法 - flagellum staining

n.螢光染色 - fluorescent staining

n.豐塔納氏染色法 - fontanas staining

n.富特氏染色法 - foots staining method

n.富特氏染色法 - fouts staining method

n.吉姆薩氏染色 - giemsa staining method

n.吉姆薩染色法 - giemsas staining

n.玻璃染色槽 - glass staining trough

n.高爾基氏法 - golgis mixed staining method

n.古德帕斯徹氏染色 - goodpastures staining

n.格雷漢氏a-奈酚派若寧染色法 - graham alphanaphthol pyronin staining method

n.革氏蘭氏染色法 - gram staining method

n.革蘭氏染色 - grams staining

n.海登海因氏鐵蘇木精染色法 - heidenhains iron hematoxylin staining

蘇木精-伊紅染色,蘇木精-伊紅染色法 - hematoxylin-eosin staining

n.蘇木精染色法 - hematoxylin staining

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