bubblier['bʌbli]adj.bubbly的變形adj. 泡沫多的,充滿氣泡的,冒泡的,發出泡沫的泡狀的,像泡的熱情奔放的;輕快的,活潑的n. [主英國俚語]香檳酒(=champagne)變形: bubblier , bubbliest
1.Some parts of the industry are also much bubblier than others: demand in Europe is robust, for example. 同時,外包工業內部某些部分和其他部分相比更具有泡沫:比如,歐洲市場的旺盛需求。
2.SHANGHAI – A song often heard on the radio these days begins with a light and upbeat melody, and lyrics that are even bubblier. 最近常在廣播中聽到的一首歌,一開始是輕快而振奮的旋律,歌詞甚至更振奮人心。
3.Europe may have avoided the American subprime mess, but in several countries house prices have been even bubblier than in America. 歐洲或許已經避免了美國式的次貸危機,但是在好幾個國家,房地產市場上的價格泡沫比起美國來有過之而無不及。