China Collective Economy China Collective Economy China Collective Economy 中國集體經濟;there is no collective contract or collective contract does not provide for payment for labor the implementation of equal pay for equal work 沒有集體合同或者集體合同未規定勞動條件等標準的,適用國家有關規定。;第十八條勞動合同對勞動報酬和勞動條件等標準約定不明確,引發爭議的,用人單位與勞動者可以重新協商;沒有集體合同或者集體合同未規定勞動報酬的,實行同工同酬;協商不成的,適用集體合同規定;Archetypes and the collective unconscious 原型與集體潛意識;The archetypes and the collective unconscious 原型與集體無意識;Chinese collective bibliographies 中國總書目;
1.The choice of ascertain rural collective proprietary right of land is establish peasant collective congress, recreate the rural collective subject of land. 落實農村土地集體所有權的選擇是設立農民集體大會,重塑農村集體土地所有權主體。
2.The choice of ascertain rural collective proprietary right of land is establish peasant collective congress, recreate the rural collective subject of land. 落實農村土地集體所有權的選擇是設立農民集體大會,重塑農村集體土地所有權主體。
3.What emerges from the collective is not a series of critical individual actions but a multitude of simultaneous actions whose collective pattern is far more important. 從群體中產生的不是一系列關鍵的個體行為,而是眾多的同步行為,這些同步行為表現出的群體形式要重要得多。
4.There is clear observed evidence of collective pionic modes in nuclei, which profoundly differ from all of the previously observed collective nuclear states. 有清楚的實驗證據表明,核內存在π介子的集體模式,這種集體模式與以前觀測到的所有核集體運動模式截然不同。
5.The coupling admixes the particle and collective degrees of freedom in such a manner as to partially transfer the one-particle transition strength onto the collective modes. 耦合使粒子和集體自由度按這樣的方式混合,即使單粒子躍遷強度部分地轉變到集體模式中。
collective index; cumulative index - 累積索引
collective clinic - 聯合診所
collective dose equivalent - 集體劑量當量
collective effective dose equivalent - 集體有效劑量當量
collective prophylaxis - 集體預防
n. collective hute method - 集合費艾特方程