fluoresces['fluə'res]vi. 發螢光
fluoresces 發螢光;
1.When the worm is prodded, stretching the structural proteins in muscle fibers, the linking spring is stretched, and the worm fluoresces in a different color. 蠕蟲受刺激時,肌纖維結構蛋白被拉伸,其連接彈簧也被拉伸,蠕蟲的螢光顏色發生改變。
2.Researchers have created a new imaging compound in mice that selectively binds to certain cancer cells and glows, or fluoresces, only when processed by these cells. 研究人員在小鼠體內發明了一種成像化合物,可在小鼠體內選擇性結合某種類型癌細胞,被這種癌細胞結合後,它可發光或者說發螢光。
3.Nocturnal crawler, a scorpion remains well camouflaged under a flash-light's beam, but fluoresces in ultraviolet light [as seen here], a reaction that remains a mystery to scientists. 紫外線下的蠍子。夜間爬行者,一隻蠍子會完美地披上偽裝而不畏手電筒類的光束,但是能夠發出螢光紫外線光束就會把蠍子暴露無遺,這個原因有待科學家探討。