GONZALEZ Leonardo 岡薩雷斯;Leonardo 萊昂納多;李奧納多;李安納度;列奧納多;Leonardo Bonucci 博努奇;博努齊;邦路斯;Leonardo FRANCO 弗朗戈;佛蘭克;Leonardo Talamonti 塔拉蒙蒂;塔拉曼提;達拉蒙迪;
1.Leonardo and Adriano Galliani have lost patience with Ronaldinho and hint he will be benched in the Champions League against Marseille. 萊昂納多和加利亞尼已經對羅納爾迪尼奧失去耐心,並且暗示將在周中同馬賽的冠軍杯裡讓羅納爾迪尼奧坐上板凳。
2.I should look deep into the canvases of Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci, Titian, Rembrandt. 我要仔細端詳拉斐爾、達芬奇、提香和瑞姆布蘭特的油畫。
3.Much of what we know about Leonardo's scientific ideas comes from his codices. 我們所知有關裡奧那多的科學想法大多來自於他的手抄本。
4.Leonardo was also commissioned to design a bridge that would span the great harbor of Constantinople. 達芬奇同樣受到委託設計一座橫跨君士坦丁堡海港的大橋。
5.The subtle eroticism of the figure leads to many nude variations, some done almost contemporaneously and often attributed to Leonardo himself. 畫中隱約的情慾導致了許多裸體版本的產生、有些產生於同一時代,經常被認為是列奧納多自己所作。