Aquifoliaceaen. 〔植〕冬青科
Aquifoliaceae 冬青科;冬 青 科;冬青科:密毛假黃楊、燈稱花;冬青科(被);holly family Aquifoliaceae 冬青科;
1.The Machilus, Camellia, Ilex and Ficus are the dominant genera and the typical families are Lauraceae, Theaceae, Moraceae, Myrsinaceae, Araliaceae and Aquifoliaceae. 以潤楠屬、山茶屬、冬青屬、榕屬等為優勢屬,以樟科、山茶科、桑科、紫金牛科、五加科、冬青科等為表徵科。
2.The bands of esterase isoenzyme of the test germplasm materials from the same species in Aquifoliaceae showed both abundant polymorphism and relatively obvious similarity. 同一物種不同種質材料的酶譜既顯示豐富的多態性,又顯示出較明顯的相似性。
3.Based on the band differences of the esterase isoenzymes, the 25 test germplasm materials from 5 species in Aquifoliaceae could be obviously distinguished on the species level. 可以根據酯酶同工酶的酶譜差異在種間水平上將分別屬於5個不同物種的25份供試種質材料明顯地分開;