





n. atomic number 8 ,o


oxygen['ɔksidʒən]n. 氧氣,氧


Oxygen 氧氣;氧;擁有權;氧反常;dissolved oxygen 溶解氧;溶氧;液態氧;溶氧量;oxygen content 血氧含量;氧含量;含氧量;氧氣含量;oxygen capacity 血氧容量;氧容量;氧結合量;釋義:氧耗量,氧容量;oxygen mask 氧氣面罩;氧氣面具;氧氣罩;氧氣面罩;


1.We need oxygen to support life. 我們需要氧氣維持生命。

2.Earth people need oxygen to breathe. 地球人需要氧氣來呼吸。

3.The hydrogen reacts with oxygen to produce electricity and water. 電池中的氫與氧氣發生反應,產生電和水。


While the five babies were babies were still quietly sleeping in oxygen tents in hospital nursery, - 眼下,五胞胎還靜靜地躺在醫院嬰兒室的氧氣帳裡,

It is bacteria that have generated the oxygen we breathe on earth. - 正是細菌生產出我們在地球上呼吸的氧氣。

Once the oxygen content of the air had risen to 25% it was ready to burn. - 一旦氧氣在空氣中的含量達到25%,它就要燃燒。


oxygen difluoride - 二氟化氧

n. low oxygen potential - 低的氧潛能

apparatus of oxygen supply - 供氧裝置

oxygen index - 催產素引產法

regenerating oxygen apparayus - 再生式氧氣設備

partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood - 動脈氧分壓

arteriovenous oxygen difference - 動靜脈氧差

n. flux oxygen cutting - 助劑氧切割

n. flux oxygen cutting - 助熔劑氧氣切割法

chemical oxygen consumption - 化學耗氧量

chemical oxygen demand - 化學需氧量

n. oxygen containing alloy - 含氧合金

oxygen heterocyclic ring - 含氧雜環

heavy oxygen enrichedwater; heavy-oxygen-enriched water; heavyoxygenenrichedwater - 含氧量多的水

nitrogenous biochemical oxygen demand - 含氮生化需氧量

oxygen inhalaation - 吸氧

oxygen therapy; oxygentherapy - 吸氧療法

n. oxygen furnace steel - 吹氧爐鋼

n. oxygen breathing apparatus - 呼吸氧氣裝置

degree of blood oxygen saturation; oxygen saturation of blood - 和度

n. oxygen enriched blast - 多氧氣爆炸

resting oxygen uptake - 安靜氧吸收量

n. oxygen enrichment operation - 富氧作業

heavy oxygen enrichedwater; heavy-oxygen-enriched water; heavyoxygenenrichedwater - 富氧水

myocardial owygen consumption; oxygen consumption of myocardium - 心肌氧耗量

myocardial oxygen consumption; myocardial volume of oxygen consumption; oxygen consumption of heart muscle; oxygen consumption of myocardium - 心肌耗氧量

total oxygen demand - 總需氧量

oxygen exhauster - 排氧裝置

oxygen carrying capacity - 攜氧能力

n. oxygen free high conductivity copper - 無氧高導電性銅

effective oxygen transport - 有效氧運輸

submaximal oxygen intake - 極限下吸氧量

oxygen and carbon dioxide ingalation therapy - 氧-二氧化碳吸入療法

oxygen intoxication; oxygen poisoning - 氧中毒

pulmonary edema due to oxygen poisoning - 氧中毒性肺水腫

oxygen affinity - 氧親和力

n. oxygen sensor - 氧傳感器

oxygen debt - 氧債

oxygen partial pressure; partial pressure of oxygen; partialpressure of oxygen - 氧分壓

oxygen utilizationcoefficient - 氧利用係數

oxygen acceptor - 氧受體

oxygen content - 氧含量

oxygen absorption - 氧吸收

oxygen quotient; oxygenquotient - 氧吸收入

oxygen absorption barotrauma - 氧吸收性中耳氣壓損傷

oxygen uptake rate - 氧吸收率

determination of oxygen uptade - 氧吸收量測定

oxygen quotient; oxygenquotient - 氧商

n. oxygen additive alloy - 氧填加合金

oxygen enhancement ratio - 氧增強率


活性氧 - active oxygen

n.酰基-氧裂解 - acyl oxygen fission

n.粒子的氧效應 - alpha particles oxygen effect

n.氧消耗量 - amount of oxygen consumption

n.供氧裝置 - apparatus of oxygen supply

n.動脈氧 - arterial oxygen

n.動靜脈氧差 - arteriovenous oxygen difference

n.自動制氧機 - automatic oxygen generator

n.自動氧氣安全閥 - automatic oxygen safety valve

n.航空供氧系統 - aviation oxygen supply system

n.生化耗氧量 - biochemical oxygen consumption

n.生化耗氧量,生化需氧量 - biochemical oxygen demand

n.生物耗氧量 - biological oxygen consumption

n.生物需氧量 - biological oxygen demand

血液氧親和性 - blood oxygen affinity

n.細胞週期中的氧效應 - cell cycle oxygen effects during

n.細胞存活曲線的氧效應 - cell survival curves oxygen effects on

n.腦氧代謝率 - cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen

n.腦氧消耗 - cerebral oxygen consumption

n.化學耗氧量 - chemical oxygen consumption

n.化學需氧量 - chemical oxygen demand

壓縮的氧氣 - compressed oxygen

n.和度 - degree of blood oxygen saturation

n.氧吸收量測定 - determination of oxygen uptade

n.氧的瀰散 - diffusion of oxygen

n.溶解氧 - dissolved oxygen

n.有效氧運輸 - effective oxygen transport

n.原子氧 - elemental oxygen

n.氧氣快速開關 - emergency oxygen valve

n.富氧水,含氧量多的水 - heavy oxygen enrichedwater

n.高濃度氧 - high concentration oxygen

n.氧雜環化合物 - heterocyclic oxygen compound

n.高氧 - high oxygen

n.高氧壓 - high oxygen pressure

n.高壓氧 - high pressure oxygen

n.高壓氧 - hyperbaric oxygen

n.高壓氧艙 - hyperbaric oxygen chamber

n.高壓氧艙療法 - hyperbaric oxygen chamber therapy

n.高壓純氧浸透法,高壓氧透入 - hyperbaric oxygen drenching

n.高壓氧療法 - hyperbaric oxygen therapy

n.直接需氧量 - immediate oxygen demand

n.間歇給氧療法 - intermittent oxygen theraph

n.腹腔注氧 - intra-abdominal oxygen insufflation

乳酸性氧債 - lactic acid oxygen debt

n.液態氧,液氧 - liquid oxygen

n.生化需氧量負荷 - load of biochemical oxygen demand

最大耗氧量 - maximum oxygen consumption

最大氧債 - maximum oxygen debt

最大攝氧量 - maximum oxygen intake

最大攝氧量 - maximum oxygen uptake


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