short-stopper 聚合停止劑;
1.Short of being called Dropta Klanga, it was hard to see how a shot-stopper could have been better pre-destined for penalty box calamities and their mirthful aftermath. 這位門將的資歷遠遠夠不上門神的稱號,可是他卻撲出了一個點球,把一場災難轉變為一個歡欣鼓舞的畫面,我想不出誰還能做得比他更好了。
2.Short of being called Dropta Klanga, it was hard to see how a shot-stopper could have been better pre-destined for penalty box calamities and their mirthful aftermath. 資歷遠遠不夠的一個射門阻擊手,很難想像他如何能更好的備戰那些點球噩夢,如何能讓賽後結果變得好過一些。
3.The effects of the kinds and their amount of short-stopper and antioxidant on the stability of chloroprene rubber and the shade of its solution in toluene were investigated in detail. 研究了終止劑、抗氧劑的種類及用量對粘接型氯丁橡膠甲苯溶液色澤以及生膠貯存穩定性的影響。