





Solid['sɔlid]adj. 固體的;可靠的;立體的;結實的;一致的n. 固體;立方體


Solid Color 純色;單色;淨色,單色;普染色;solid content 固形物;固成份;固體含量/不揮發物含量;固體含量;Solid Earth 固態地球;固定接地完全接地;固體地球;固定接地,固體地球;Solid wastes 固體廢物;固態廢物;固體廢料;solid phase 固相;從凍固態;釋義:固相;


1.You can make money through solid investment plans. 做出嚴謹的投資計劃,你能賺錢的。

2." One industry that most consumers choose cabinets, is to open a "crystal plate, " "paint plate" or "solid wood boards, " this Plate is the cupboard doors. 一位業內人士說,大部分消費者選擇櫥櫃,一開口就是要「水晶板」、「烤漆板」或者是「實木板」,這個板就是櫥櫃門。

3.During construction of the bridges and the drainage system, no potentially polluting liquid, solid waste or excavated material should be allowed to fall into the stream. 在建造橋樑或排水系統期間,許可證持有人須確保沒有受污染的液體,固體廢物或挖掘出來的物料掉進河內。


Active Sports is getting a solid reputation for having top of the line products. - Active Sports的產品質量上乘,而且取得了很好的聲譽。

She will have something to drink but she will not eat any solid food. - 她將喝些飲料,但不吃固體食物。

Several cases have been reported in Russia recently of people who can detect colours with their fingers, and even see through solid and walls. - 俄羅斯最近報導了幾個事例,有人能用手指看書識字和辨認顏色,甚至能透過厚實的門和牆看到東西。

who has normal vision but who can also perceive things with different parts of her skin, and through solid walls. - 她的視力與常人一樣,但她還能用皮膚的不同部位辨認東西,甚至看穿堅實的牆壁。

The further off this solid obstruction, the longer time will elapse for the return of the echo. - 固體障礙物越遠。回聲返回所用時間就越長。

Every solid object will reflect a sound, varying according to the size and nature of the object. - 任何固體者反射聲音,反射的聲音因物體的大小和性質的不同而不同。

He gets the solid shape, as it were, inside his head---- - 可以這樣說,他腦子裡得到的是一個立體的概念,

He must, for example, perceive an egg as a simple single solid shape, - 以鳥蛋為例,觀賞者必須感覺到它是一個單一的實體形態,

If you are younger, and ina solid financial position, - 如果你年輕一些,並且經濟狀況可靠,

Because Manhattan Island is made of solid rock, it is safe to build very tall buildings. - 曼合頓島是由堅固的岩石構成的,這使得興建大廈非常安全。


apoplexy involving the solid organs; apoplexyinvolving the solid organs - 中髒

n. intermediate solid solution - 中間同溶體

solid carcinoma of breast - 乳房實性癌

matured solid teratoma of ovary - 卵巢成熟實性畸胎瘤

n. primary solid solution - 原固溶體

double-antibody solid phase technique - 雙抗體固相技術

n. solid back C frame press - 後封閉整體床身C形壓力機

crucible type solid source - 坩堝型固體離子源

n. solid solution - 因態溶液

solid; solid body - 固體

solid carbon dioxide - 固體二氧化碳

solid dosage forms - 固體劑型

solid adsorbent - 固體吸附劑

solid medium - 固體培養基

n. solid forming die - 固體成形模

n. solid control - 固體控制

n. solid crib-timbering - 固體插箱

solid residue - 固體殘渣

solid state circuit - 固體電路

solid interface - 固體界面

paraffinum durum; solid paraffin - 固體石臘

solid fat index - 固體脂指數

n. solid mass spectrometry - 固體質譜分析法

n. solid mass spectrometry - 固體質譜法

solid sampler - 固體進樣器

n. solid stock guide - 固定式導料裝置

n. solid stop - 固定式擋料裝置

defined solid angle counting - 固定立體角計數

solid error - 固定誤差

solid carbon dioxide - 固態二氧化碳

solid dispersion - 固態分散體

n. solid fossil fuel - 固態化石燃料

n. solid solution alloy - 固態溶解合金

n. solid particle erosion - 固態粒子蝕

n. solid roller mill - 固態輥軋廠

n. solid gold - 固態金

n. solid iron - 固態鐵

n. solid silver - 固態銀

solid solution - 固溶體

solid phase - 固相

solid volume - 固相體積

solid phase immune electron microscopy - 固相免疫電鏡檢查

solid phase radioimmunoassay - 固相入射免疫測定

n. solid phase machining mode - 固相加工方式

solid phase synthesis - 固相合成

solid phase diffusion - 固相擴散

solid phase radioimmunoassay - 固相放射免疫分析

n. solid phase machining mode - 固相機械加工方式

n. solid phase bonding - 固相粘結

solid phase polymerization; solid polymerization - 固相聚合


n.金實不鳴 - a solid bell can not ring

n.無定形固體 - amorphous solid

n.中髒 - apoplexy involving the solid organs

n.中髒 - apoplexyinvolving the solid organs

n.實體瘤內的細胞增殖週期時間 - cells of solid tumor generation times of

色立體 - color solid

n.坩堝型固體離子源 - crucible type solid source

n.結晶性固體 - crystalline solid

n.固定立體角計數 - defined solid angle counting

n.雙抗體固相技術 - double-antibody solid phase technique

n.細粒載體 - fine-grained solid support

n.卵巢成熟實性畸胎瘤 - matured solid teratoma of ovary

活性污泥浮游物 - mixed liquor suspended solid

n.改性活性固體 - modified active solid

packaged solid dosage form - packaged solid dosage form

固體藥 - pharmaceutical solid

n.溶解性固體 - soluble solid

n.浮淤物質,懸浮物 - suspended solid

總固體,全干物 - total solid

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