zontan. 職業婦女的互助福利俱樂部
Zonta 福利俱樂部;宗塔;Zonta Shop 崇她商店;Zonta club 誠信服務社;女經理人互助福利俱樂部;Zonta International 崇德社;崇她社;Zonta Club of Hong Kong 模擬立法會由香港崇德社;
1.Zhao Ling was founded in 1643 (2008-Zonta), built in 1651, now has 300 years of history. 昭陵始建於1643年(清崇德八年),1651年建成,距今已有300多年歷史。
2.Zonta members listened with excitement as the news that Taiwan would become an official district of Zonta International. 來自台灣各地的崇她社社員,興奮聽著台灣崇她社,在國際社會闖出一片天的好消息。
3.Hot on the heels of Renault's announcement that he will join the team in 2007 as test driver, Ricardo Zonta has described his delight at the move. 雷諾車隊剛一宣佈他將在2007年擔任車隊的測試車手之後,裡卡多-宗塔就向大家描述了此次轉會的喜悅之情。