die-away['daiə,wei]adj. 憔悴的;消沉的;憂慮的n. 漸變微弱
die-away 消沉的;逐漸消沉;頹喪的;die-away time 衰落時間;衰減時間;釋義:衰減時間;die-away curve 衰減曲線;depressible die-away low 消沉的;pulsed neutron die-away method 脈衝中子消失法;
1.Central asian China receives very little rain, for the rain-laden typhoons die away long before they reach it. 新疆地區降雨很少,夾帶雨水的颱風風力不濟,早已減弱,無法抵達中亞。
2.The police drove the practitioners away from every training post, and carried away those die-hard members by police cars. 警察把修煉者從每個煉功點趕走,將決意不屈服的人們用警車拉走。
3.But the echoes of the chime die away --they have endured but an instant --and a light, half-subdued laughter floats after them as they depart. 但時鐘的餘音一消失——其實僅只片刻而已——人群中便傳出極力壓制的輕笑,笑聲隨著遠去的鐘聲,飄蕩。