eyesn. 眼睛(eye的複數)
eyes 眼睛;鹿女;兩隻眼球;船首錨鏈孔附近部分;Angel Eyes 天使的眼睛;超感應頻率;天使之眼;天使眼;Brown Eyes 褐眼男子;戀人未滿英文版;一年後;戀人未滿;make eyes 拋媚眼;漫送秋波;拋眉眼;勾引;YOUR EYES 充滿戀情的眼睛;你的眼神;你的眼;你的眼睛;
1.The shadows under her eyes were caused by lack of sleep. 她眼睛下面的黑眼圈是由於缺乏睡眠造成的。
2.I cannot cry Because you know thats weakness in your eyes. 我不能哭泣,因為你知道那正是你眼中的懦弱。
3.You can take away my soul, everything of mine. But leave me my eyes with which to see you. 我的心靈,我的一切,我都願意讓妳那去,只求妳給我留下一雙眼睛,讓我能看到妳。
Then you close your eyes and say the magic words. - 然後,閉上眼睛念魔語。
He's got eyes like a cat. - 他的眼像貓的一樣。
Her eyes look so sad. - 她的目光那麼憂鬱。
I can hardly keep my eyes open. - 我簡直睜不開眼睛了。
I've been having a hard time keeping my eyes open - 我一直掙扎著要讓雙眼睜開
His eyes will pop out in astonishment. - 他因為害怕而瞪大了眼睛。
The eyes of the nation are upon the government. - 國民的目光都注視著政府。
Hawks will not pick hawks' eyes out. - 同類不相殘。
Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, and half shut afterwards. - 婚前張開眼,婚後半閉月。
Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open. - 要多看少說。
When you go to buy, use your eyes not your ears. - 你去購買東西時,要用眼睛莫用耳。
I'll keep my eyes on. - 我會留意的。
Her eyes were fixed on her plate and in a short time, she was busy eating. - 她的眼睛盯著自己的盤子,不一會兒就忙著吃起來了。
I would keep my mind fresh for reading when I got home formwork Resisting the hypnotizing effect of television, I sat in my room for a few evenings with my eyes glued to book. - 晚上下班回家看書時頭腦更清醒些。有幾天晚上,我極力擺脫了電視的誘惑,坐在自己的房間裡,兩眼盯在書上。
for the woman's eyes immediately lit up and she fetched several bottles which she placed on the counter for Harry to inspect. - 因為那女售貨員聽完哈里的話後,馬上眼睛一亮,拿出幾瓶東西放在櫃檯上讓哈里挑選。
I really ought to go and have my eyes tested. - 我確實該去檢查一下我的眼睛了。
The other students in the class keep their eyes closed. - 班裡其餘學生一直閉著眼。
The glasses keep their eyes safe. - 眼鏡可以使眼睛不受傷害。
Being a good listener means much more than just listening with ears. Eyes mean that I should look at you while you are speaking as a sign of respect. In other words I should not watch TV, or look over your shoulder at other people while we are talking - 作一名好的傾聽者,決不只是「用耳朵聽」。「目」字的意思是,你說話時我應當看著你,這是尊重對方的表現。換句話說,當我們在一起談話時,我不應當看電視,也不應當越過你的肩膀瞅著別人。
They will think that you are the eyes and ears of the manager. - 他們會認為,你是經理的耳目。
There were birds too, with the eyes carved out of the rock and painted white. - 還有一些鳥的眼睛是用石頭刻的,並被塗上白色。
Protracted use of eyes impairs the blood - 久視傷血
the eyes as the window of the liver - 肝開竅於目
measles complicated with keratoconjunctivitis; the eyes affected by measles toxin - 麻毒攻目
n.假眼 - artifical eyes
n.眼直徑運動失調 - ataxic conjugate movement of eyes
閉眼 - closed eyes
閉眼 - closing one's eyes
眼同向偏斜 - conjugate deviation of the eyes
n.兩眼協同運動中樞 - conjugate movement center of eyes
n.天釣 - convulsion with up-lifted eyes
n.蟹睛 - crablike protruding eyes
洋娃娃眼征 - doll's eyes sign
乾燥性角結膜炎 - dry eyes
n.乾澀不舒 - dryness and discomfort of the eyes
n.眼珠乾澀 - dryness and foreign-body sensation in the eyes
n.雙目乾澀不舒 - dryness and kiscomfort of the eyes
n.瞇目 - foreign body in eyes
n.目瞑 - heavy eyes
n.新生兒硝酸銀滴眼法 - instillation of ag№3 in neonatal eyes
n.目光有神 - lustrous eyes
n.察目 - observation of eyes
呼開的眼睛 - open eyes
睜開某人的眼睛 - opening one's eyes
眼位置 - position of eyes
n.久視傷血 - Protracted use of eyes impairs the blood
n.眼眵 - secretion in the eyes
歪根 - slanting eyes
n.痘疹入眼 - smallpox involving the eyes
n.眼球 - the bulb of the eyes
n.麻毒攻目 - the eyes affected by measles toxin
n.肝開竅於目 - the eyes as the window of the liver
n.她睡眼惺忪,眼前一片模糊 - the object was a blur to her sleeping eyes