





v. debar ,deflect ,invalidate ,keep off


v. confront ,face ,formalise ,formalize


avoid[ə'vɔid]vt. 避免;避開,躲避;消除


avoid 避免;躲避;避免,迴避;迴避;Avoid Redirects 避免重定向;avoid delay 避免延誤;avoid doing 避免做某事;避免做……;避免;避免做;Avoid Filters 避免過濾器的使用;避免過濾器的使用 品牌槍手是網站推廣的金牌工具!;避免使用濾鏡;避免過濾器;


1.Avoid using credit cards. 避免使用信用卡。

2.So we say, we must understand life and avoid death. 所以,我們說,我們必須理解生命,迴避死亡。

3.Now, 2012… where can I go to avoid it all? Please can I move to China? 那麼,2012--我跑到哪裡才可以完全的避開它?請問我能搬到中國去嗎?


He'll do anything to avoid getting down to math lessons, - 他老是設法想逃避數學,

I told you. He'll use any excuse to avoid math. - 我說嘛 ,他就是要找各種藉口來逃避數學。

I think you should take the highway all the way, and I'd advise you to avoid stopping to go sight-seeing. - 我認為你最好全程走高速公路,而且我建議你不要停下來看風景。

A good teacher should always avoid embarrassing his students. - 一位好的教師無論何時都應該避免使學生感到難堪。

Fortunately,I jumped back in time to avoid being hit. - 幸好,我及時跳回來避免被撞擊。

Don't you think it necessary to have a close study of the contract to avoid anything missing? - 你不覺得應該仔細檢查一下合同,以免遺漏什麼嗎?

In the crowd, Sam looked aside to avoid seeing her. - 在人潮中,薩姆把頭轉向旁邊,免得和她目光相對。

I crossed the street to avoid meeting him, but he saw me and came running towards me. - 我穿過馬路以便避開他,但他看到我並朝我跑過來。

After the alarm had been given, the great ship turned sharply to avoid a direct collision. - 警報響過不久,巨輪急轉彎,以避免與冰山正面相撞。

No one can avoid being influenced by advertisements. - 沒有人能避免受廣告的影響。

As we bumped over eh dusty track, we swerved to avoid large boulders. - 我們在塵士飛揚的道路上顛簸,車子東拐西彎,以躲開那些大圓石。

Some things are collected deliberately in the home in an attempt to avoid waste. - 居家度日,有目的地收藏某些東西是為了防止浪費。

and you avoid the frustration of arriving at the very moment when the train is drawing out of the station and being unable to get on it. - 而且可以避免那種正好在火車駛出站時趕到車站,因上不去車而感到的沮喪。

We endeavour to avoid the old, romantic idea of a gusher, which wastes oil and gas. - 我們盡量避免使用陳舊天真的噴井方法,那樣會浪費石油和天然氣。

Travellers on short trips to areas with water supplies of uncertain quality should avoid drinking tapwater, or untreated water from any other source. - 短途旅行到水質不保險的地區時,應避免飲用水龍頭的水或未經處理任何其他來源的水。

Don't you think it necessary to have a close study of the contract to avoid anything missing? - 你不覺得應該仔細檢查一下合同,以免遺漏什麼嗎?


avoid partial food - 糾正偏食

avoid emotion of passivism and pessimism - 避免消極悲觀的情志活動

avoid contactting epidemic pathogens - 避其毒氣


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