superstate['sju:pəsteit]n. 超大國;極權主義國家;整體主義國家
superstate 超大國;整體主義國家;超級大國;極權主義國家;
1.He would like a loose free-trade zone instead of what he sees as a nascent superstate. 克勞斯想要的是一個寬鬆的自由貿易區,而不是一個新生超級大國(至少他是這麼認為的)。
2.That's because, if ratified, it will become the decisive act in this creation of a federal European superstate with its capital in Brussels. 這是因為,一旦該條約生效,將在整個歐洲建立一個以布魯塞爾為首都的超級歐洲聯邦國家。
3.Mr Blair, moreover, shares many of the principles that the Tories presumably want the new figurehead to project: he is a free-marketeer, an Atlanticist and an opponent of a European superstate. 再者,布萊爾享有更多保守黨所希望的傀儡總統的特點:他是自由市場論者,還是一位大西洋主義者並且反對一個超國家的歐盟。