mayonn. 馬榮火山(菲律賓呂宋島活火山)
MAYON 馬榮火山;馬永火山;火山;Mt Mayon 馬榮山;Mayon Volcano 馬榮火山;馬永火山;Batten-Mayon type 釋義:巴-馬型(兒童期黑朦性家族性癡呆);
1.A large number of people died in villages near Mount Mayon volcano in Albay province after a mudslide covered the area. 在阿爾拜省,馬榮火山附近的村莊受土石流衝擊,大量村民死亡。
2.Scientists in the Philippines warned on Sunday that the Mayon volcano could erupt again despite a lull since eruptions that put tens of thousands of villagers to flight. 近日,菲律賓的科學家警告說,儘管使得成千上萬的村民逃離的馬榮火山現已平靜,但它仍有可能再度爆發。
3.More than 35000 people have already been evacuated from the base of Mount Mayon 500 kilometers south of the capital Manila and authorities are attempting to quickly evacuate an additional 7000. 住在位於首都馬尼拉南500千米的馬榮火山腳下的超過人已經疏散,當(renyijingshusan_dang)局正試圖迅速疏散另外的7000人。