pforzheimn. 普福爾茨海姆(德國城市)
Pforzheim 普福爾茨海姆;福茨海姆;福爾茨海姆;佛茲埃姆;Hochschule Pforzheim 德國普福爾茨海姆學院;Pforzheim College 德國普福爾茨海姆學院;Schmuchmuseum Pforzheim (德語)普福斯罕珠寶博物館:位於德國普福斯罕;
1.The train enters into Pforzheim Station at the mean time. 就在這時火車進了普福爾茨車站。
2.Along with her two sons, Eugen and Richard, she 1)undertook in 1888 the first-ever long distance car trip, 100 km from Mannheim to Pforzheim. 她帶著兩名兒子尤金與理查,在1888年展開有史以來的第一趟長途汽車旅行--由曼罕到佛茲漢,距離一百公里。
3.Encouraged by the success of STOWA, Walter Stowa enlarged the scope of his business in 1935 and began manufacturing his watches in a small rented space located in Pforzheim, Germany. 隨著Stowa的逐漸成功,沃爾特先生擴大了公司的經營範圍,開始租用位於德國普福爾茨海姆市的一些廠房,生產自有品牌的手錶。