purveyors[pə'veiə]n. 承辦商;伙食承辦商;供應糧食者;供應貨物或提供服務的人或公司
1.But the biggest purveyors of automotive messages are state governments, which offer special licence plates for a few extra dollars. 不過,最大的汽車信息提供者是州政府。多出幾美元,政府就會向你提供特殊的汽車牌照。
2.As icons of consumer excess like Starbucks and Neiman Marcus stumble , purveyors of frugality like Burger King and Wal-Mart prosper. 當諸如星巴克和內曼·馬庫斯之類消費者過度推崇的品牌開始走下坡路時,節儉的飲食供應商如漢堡王和沃爾瑪開始興盛。
3.If you prefer the feeling cleansing with soap provides, don't let those purveyors of fine skincare bully you--there's nothing wrong with using soap. 如果你更喜歡用香皂潔膚的那種感覺,就不要讓那些高檔護膚 品經銷商們把你給喊住了——使用香皂一點兒問題都沒有。