Qingdao Yangtse River Aureate Group 青島金長江集團有限公司;Summer Monsoon and Annual Variability of Sea Surface Slope and Their Effects on Alongshore Current near Qingdao 蒲書箴 程軍 張義鈞 石強 駱敬新 範文靜;Qingdao Aegean Sea Commercial Hotel 青島愛情海商務賓館;InterContinental Qingdao 青島海爾洲際酒店;Qingdao LaCROSSE 青島君越;
1.The tipping bucket enters China happily this time. Qingdao, is a target in order to opening the Qingdao marketplace , strives for area marketplace extending Qingdao and all over. 翻斗樂此番進入中國。青島,以打開青島市場作為目標,爭取推廣青島及周遍地區的市場。
2.Qingdao has its own way of development. Can you make an cation on the progress Qingdao has made in years? 青島有自己的發展方向和規劃,你能簡單評價一下這些年青島的一些發展情況麼?
3.Qingdao Wang Hoi Trading Company is located in Qingdao famous tourist attractions - next to the trestle, accessibility, landscape setting. 青島望海商貿有限公司坐落在青島著名的旅遊景點-棧橋旁邊,交通方便,風景怡人。
4.Try turning this year for implementation, Sanlian company (now 600, 898 shares, prices, information, the main trade) decided to store all the subleased to Qingdao Qingdao GOME. 為盡量實現今年扭虧,三聯商社(600898股吧,行情,資訊,主力買賣)決定將青島店全部轉租給青島國美。
5.In Qingdao People's Hall recently, Artists from National Pushkin Corps de Ballet of Russia put on a performance again which intoxicated hundreds of Qingdao audience. 青島電視台訊 近日,來自俄羅斯國家普希金芭蕾舞團的藝術家們再次獻藝市人民會堂,一場經典芭蕾傾倒了在場的千餘名島城觀眾。