





n. dope ,fume ,roll of tobacco ,smokingv. fume


smoke[sməuk]n. 煙;抽煙;無常的事物vi. 冒煙,吸煙;抽煙;瀰漫vt. 吸煙;抽


Smoke 煙霧;深灰;抽煙;灰褐色;Smoke prevention 防煙;防煙法;smoke detector 煙霧探測器;感煙式探測器;探煙器;煙霧檢察器;DE Smoke 升起的煙;smoke lobby 防煙廊;防煙間;防煙門廊;


1.The chimney of my house is smoking. 我們家的煙囪正在排煙。

2.Do you mind if I smoke here? 我如果在這裡抽煙你介意嗎?

3.Can I smoke in the office? 我可以在辦公室抽煙嗎?


People who don't smoke think that cigarettes stink. - 不吸煙的人認為煙的味道很差。

A man next to me was smoking,and smoke really bothers me. - 我旁邊的那個人抽煙,我受不了。

No smoke without some fire. - 無風不起浪。

There is no smoke without fire. - 無風不起浪。

Have a biscuit instead.Eat more and smoke less! - 那就吃塊餅乾吧。多吃點,少抽點!

Now, smoke still rose up from the warm ground over the desolate hills. - 而現在,發熱的地面上仍然升騰著煙霧,瀰漫在荒涼的山丘上。

For a whole week I did not smoke at all and during this time, my wife suffered terribly. - 整整一個星期我根本沒有吸煙。在此期間,我妻子吃盡了苦頭。

As she emerged from her drifting cloud of gun smoke with the water churned to foam beneath her bow, - 當"瓦薩號從瀰漫的禮炮煙雲中出現時,船頭下浪花四濺,

Is it okay to smoke in the office? - 在辦公室裡抽煙可以嗎?

You used to smoke 40 cigarettes a day. - 他以前每天狂抽四十根煙。

Oh dear! Where can I go if I want to smoke a cigarette? - 天啊!我該到什麼地方吸煙呢?

You can smoke in the entrance hall. Or outside, of course. - 你可以在門廳裡吸煙。當然,你也可以在室外吸煙。

That's OK. But you mustn't smoke while you're walking around in the bush either. You could start a bush fire. - 沒關係。但是在叢林裡走動時你也千萬不要抽煙,會引起火災的。

There had been fuel on the ship, but this did not appear to have caused the fire, and little smoke was produced. - 很顯然,船艙裡已經發生了一場烈火,但是船艙內壁卻完好無損。船上存放著汽油,但火災似乎不是它引起的,因為沒有冒出什麼煙來。

Light the fire not so near the entrance that the wind will blow the fire out, and not so far in that the smoke will fill the cave, said my brother. - 「不要太靠近洞口點火,風會把火吹滅的;也不要太靠裡面,那樣煙會充滿山洞的,」我弟弟說,

The smoke from the fire rose and found its way outside and the light danced over the roof of the cave. - 縷縷青煙從火中升起,飄出洞外,火光在洞頂上閃耀。


ringelmen smoke chart - 林格曼煙氣濃度圖

tabacum smoke fume; tobacco - 煙

n. smoke damage - 煙損害

n. smoke pollution - 煙污染

smoke wave - 煙波

smoke agent - 煙霧劑

automatic smoke sampler - 自動煙塵採樣器

smoke tree - 黃櫨


n.消煙除塵 - abatement of smoke

n.自動煙塵採樣器 - automatic smoke sampler

煙 - cigarette smoke

間接吸煙 - environmental tobacco smoke

n.林格曼煙氣濃度圖 - ringelmen smoke chart

n.煙 - tabacum smoke fume

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