SPLabbr. 聲壓級(Sound Pressure Level);備件單(Spare Parts List);樣條曲線
SPL Sound Pressure Level;樣條曲線;Samsung Printer Language;聲壓級;MAXIMUM SPL 最大聲壓;最大聲壓級;最大升壓級;Max SPL 最大聲壓級;SPL SPLINE 雲形線;PREPARE SPL 分配點數;
1.Acoustics: What we request most is how much SPL a micro speaker can output. 音質小喇叭基本上是不討論音質,而是要盡量把音量做高。
2.Work with EPL, SPL and MPL to support EPM to collect project technology reports and prepare for meeting as EPM request. 按照EPM的要求與EPL,SPL,MPL一起收集項目相關的技術報告,並準備會議相關材料以支持EPM的工作。
3.After review, the chemical industry authorities under the State Council shall issue the SPL to applicants that meet the MCC production criteria. 經審核,凡符合生產監控化學品各項條件的,由國務院化學工業主管部門頒發生產特別許可證書;