suprathreshold[,sju:prə'θreʃhəuld]adj. [生理]閾上的;超閾值的
suprathreshold 閾上的;suprathreshold excitation 閾上興奮;釋義:閾上興奮;suprathreshold stimulus 釋義:閾上刺激物,閾上刺激;閾上刺激;suprathreshold audiometer 釋義:閾上聽力計;suprathreshold audiometry 釋義:閾上測聽(法);
1.However, when the input noise is the double-peak Gaussian mixture noise, the noise can improve the signal correlation for the subthreshold signal and the suprathreshold signal, (i. 而當輸入噪聲為雙峰高斯混合噪聲時,不僅輸入信號在閾下時隨機諧振現象有時存在,而且輸入信號在閾上時噪聲往往也能改善信號的相關性,即閾上隨機諧振現象存在。
2.However, when the input noise is the double-peak Gaussian mixture noise, the noise can improve the signal correlation for the subthreshold signal and the suprathreshold signal, i. e. 而當輸入噪聲為雙峰高斯混合噪聲時,不僅輸入信號在閾下時隨機諧振現象有時存在,而且輸入信號在閾上時噪聲往往也能改善信號的相關性,即閾上隨機諧振現象存在。
3.However, no group differences were found in mean recognition thresholds for saccharin, citric acid and caffeine or in suprathreshold salt taste perception levels of and pleasantness. 然而三組間對糖精的甜味、檸檬酸的酸味及咖啡因的苦味平均識別閾值、以及對超閾值濃度之氯化鈉的鹹味識別與喜好程度則無顯著差異。
suprathreshold excitation - 閾上興奮