wellandn. 韋蘭(加拿大東南部港口城市)
Welland 濕地;Welland Plaza 華Sasha Welland 魏淑凌;Welland Canal 韋蘭運河;Welland Building 偉利大廈;偉
1.Shelley Cutts, a 47-year-old teacher in Welland, Ont. , always expected to be expecting. 雪莉·卡茨是一位居住在安大略韋蘭的教師,她今年47歲,一直希望能懷上孩子。
2.A city of southeast Ontario, Canada, on the Welland Ship Canal southeast of St. Catharines. It is an industrial center. Population, 15, 41
2. 加拿大安大略省東南部一城市,位於聖凱瑟琳東南部的威爾倫德船運河上。人口15,412。
3.He said: "Emiliano has been really good for us and has been doing welland I know people are saying we are losing something with him going away." 拉法說:「因蘇亞非常棒,做得不錯,我知道人們都在說我們遭受了損失。」