





Cost estimations and cost benefit analysis for capacity expansion and running cost compensation 做有關擴展量和運行成本補償的成本預算和成本收益分析。;做有關擴展量和運行成本補償的成本預算和成本收益分析;cost effectiveness analysis 費用效果分析,經濟效果分析;成本效益分析,成本效率分析;成本效益分析,成本效率分析,成本效果分析;Quality of life and cost-effectiveness of combined therapy for reflux esophagitis 姒健敏 , 王良靜 , 陳淑潔 , 趙嵐 , 戴寧;Accumulates and compiles accurate cost data to prepare the project budget and the cost status of the project 收集、整理成本數據,編製項目預算以及即使更新項目成本狀況;Accumulates and compiles accurate cost data to prepare the project budget and the cost status of the project 收集、整理成本數據,編製項目預算以及即使更新項目成本狀況;


1.Cost data treatment system involves the design of cost account, cost voucher, cost book, and cost statement. 成本處理體系的設計包括成本核算帳戶設計、憑證設計、帳簿設計、成本報表設計。

2.The cost accountant then looks at each cost account balance and estimates either the variable cost per unit of cost driver activity or the periodic fixed cost . 然後,成本會計師考察每一成本賬戶餘額,並估計每一單位的成本動因業務的變動成本或定期的固定成本。

3.The cost accountant then looks at each cost account balance and estimates either the variable cost per unit of cost driver activity or the periodic fixed cost . 然後,成本會計師考察每一成本賬戶餘額,並估計每一單位的成本動因業務的變動成本或定期的固定成本。

4.Stock is an objective phenomenon involving different resources and reserves in logistics management, which needs cost for it. The total cost contains order cost, storage cost and shortage cost. 庫存是物流管理中各種資源儲備的客現現象,通常庫存的總費用包括訂貨費、存貨費和缺貨費。

5.In other words, read "if the [A] kicker cost was paid" as "if the first kicker cost listed was paid, " and read "if the kicker cost was paid" as "if the second kicker cost listed was paid. 也就是說,請將「若支付了增幅費用[A]」當成「若支付了所列出的第一個增幅費用」,並將「若支付了增幅費用」當成「若支付了所列出的第二個增幅費用」。

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