inanities[i'nænəti]n. 空虛;愚蠢;淺薄
inanities 虛幻;
1.The other half is having fun, here, now, in the context of all the ultimately irrelevant issues, toys and inanities of the day. 另一半則是現在在這個最終無關的話題上取樂,消遣和空虛。
2.But it also warned against backstabbing and babbling inanities, and stressed that party-goers need to keep their guard up at all times. 但「寶典」同時提醒道,「與會者」應保持警惕,不應在派對上隨便洩露職場秘密。
3.It is a human means of escape from the constant battles of life, from this thing which we call exploitation, from the inanities of life, the loneliness, the sorrows. 它是人類的一種手段,用來逃避生命中不停的爭鬥,逃避我們稱之為剝削的事情,逃避生命的空虛,孤獨和悲傷。