OASabbr. 美洲國家組織(Organization of American States);現役(On Active Service);光接入系統(Optical Access System)
OAS 辦公自動化系統;美洲國家組織;辦公自動化;有機分析標準;ilio oas 髂腰肌;OAS OfficeAutomationReportingService 辦公自動化的報告業務;OAS - 障礙物評價面;OAS Office Automation Server 辦公自動化服務器;
1.Three days later the OAS, at a summit in Honduras, voted unanimously to let Cuba rejoin. 三天後,美洲國家組織(OAS),在洪都拉斯的峰會上,一致投票決定讓古巴重新加入。
2.Four other countries joined Mr Anselem in arguing that Mr Zelaya's reinstatement should not be a precondition for the OAS recognising the election. 另有四個國家也與安塞倫一道,認為塞拉亞先生恢復原職不應是美洲國家組織承認該國大選的前提條件。
3.By statistically analysing those accidents of gas trunk line at Sichuan OaS Field, the paper concludes that the internal corrosion is the main reason in pipeline accidents. 本文通過對四川氣田輸氣幹線事故的統計分析,說明了內腐蝕是管道事故發生的主要原因。