





material pick-off machine material taking machine taker taking machine 取料機;material pick-off machine material taking machine taker taking machine 取料機;material pick-off machine material taking machine taker taking machine 取料機;taking it seriously and acting aggressively 高度重視,積極應對;Shane Battier on TAKING THE CHARGE 巴蒂爾教造進攻犯規;


1.Moon Rabbit Group Ieads a sustainable developing road insisting on taking market as guidance, taking progress of science and technology as center, taking brand as vinculum. 月兔集團堅持以市場為先導,以科技進步為中心,以質量為保證,以晶牌為紐帶,走一條可持續發展之路。

2.Taking initiative…taking on projects. 採取主動…接受項目。

3.Note-taking is a skill that can help you do well on all your schoolwork — everything from taking tests to researching a ***. 做筆記是一種能幫你學好所有作業的技巧,對參加考試乃至做研究寫論文都有幫助。

4.Well, you never know… -'Tis the season to use more than a little common sense. So, taking care of business, huh? -Taking care of business, yeah. 好的,你不會知道…-這是一個更需要嘗試的季節。所以,小心點兒,好嗎?-小心謹慎,是的。

5.The taking drugs mentioned in these rules refers to the activity of sucking or taking opium, morphine, heroin, bhang, or other addictive kef or psychotropic. 本規定所稱吸毒,是指以各種方式吸食、攝入鴉片、嗎啡、海洛因、大麻以及其它能使人成癮的麻醉品、精神藥物的行為。


Thank you for taking care of me here. - 多謝您的周到招待。

But your price is still on the high side even if taking quality into consideration. - 就算考慮質量上的因素,你們的價格還是高。

Nothing much. I'm just taking one day at a time. - 沒什麼。我只是過一天是一天。

I'm taking that bus also. - 我也是搭那班車的。

How many classes are you taking this semester? - 這學期你有多少課?

I'm taking too much of your time. - 我耽誤了你很多時間。

No...I can't remember taking pictures of people exercising. - 沒有 ……我好像沒有拍過人們練健身操的照片。

but I'm taking a little time to smell the flowers. - 我正利用一點時間輕鬆一下。

I think you're doing the right thing. Taking your time. - 我覺得你們做得對。慢慢來。

Aren't we taking the baby on our honeymoon? - 我們豈不是要帶小寶寶一起去度蜜月?

Too much? She loves taking care of Max. - 太麻煩?她喜歡照顧Max。

I'm taking Chinese and History. - 我將選中文和歷史。

And how do you feel about taking the job in Los Angeles? - 你對於到Los Angeles接受這份工作有何感想?

Well, then you feel good about taking it? - 嗯 ,那你覺得接受它很對了?

So now I'm taking a flight on Monday instead. - 所以我現在要改搭星期一的班機走。

we really appreciate your taking care of Max for the weekend - 我們真心感謝你在週末照顧Max

and I'm taking care of Max. - 我就來照顧Max。

and leaving you with the full responsibility of taking care of Max. - 還要把照顧Max的全部責任留給你。

about taking care of babies, I assure you. - 如何照顧小孩, 我向你保證。

but I enjoy taking pictures, and I want to continue doing that. - 但我喜歡拍照片 而且我要繼續做這一行。

Are you good at taking photos? - 你拍照拍得好嗎?

Next week I'm taking my driving test. - 我下星期考車牌。

They are taking initiatives to build up a digital government. - 他們嘗試打造數字化政府。

I feel rotten about not taking the children out. - 我沒有帶孩子出去覺得很不痛快。

I'm most grateful to you for taking so much trouble to explain the best way of getting there. - 你不厭其煩地給我解釋去那裡的最佳途徑,我對些深表感激。

How many courses are you taking this semester? - 這學期你選了多少課?

I'm taking 19 credit hours. - 我修了十九個學分。

Our manager is taking tomorrow off. - 我們經理明天將休假。

What I dream of doing is taking a year off and sailing around the world alone. - 我夢想能夠休上一年假,自己乘船周遊世界。

Seriously, thank you all for coming and taking part in our camp. - 說真的,謝謝你們來加入我們的野營。

Thank you for taking me home. - 謝謝你送我回家。

Not really, I'm afraid. We were delayed taking off, and we encountered a lot of bad weather. - 不太好,我們起飛延誤了,還遭遇了惡劣的氣候。

I'm taking my half of our belongings. - 我要拿走我們一半的財產。

What courses will you be taking this semester? - 你本學期打算修什麼科目?

Besides the required courses, I'm taking an elective in the Lab Science. - 除必修科目外,選修科目我選了實驗科學。

For my math requirements, I'll be taking algebra, calculus, and trig. - 數學的必修學分預定選代數、微積分、三角法。

I'm taking a walk in the park. - 我在公園散步。

Speaking without thinking is shooting without taking aim. - 講話不思考猶如射擊不對準目標。

The doctor is taking my blood pressure. - 醫生正給我量血壓。

I was taking care of Sally. - 我在照顧薩莉。

We are all taking medicine against the disease. - 我們都服藥治療疾病。

No wonder people say that computers are taking over the world. - 難怪有人說電子計算機正漸漸接管世界。

Many people complain that computers are taking over their jobs. - 許多人抱怨說計算機正在接管人的工作。

Mrs.Anne Sterling did not think of the risk she was taking when she ran through a forest after two men. - 安。斯特林夫人在穿過森林追趕兩個男人時,她並沒有考慮到所冒的風險。

Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lost his wallet while taking his savings to the post office. - 本頓在把存款送往郵局的途中把錢包丟了。

Built in 1885, it was the oldest car taking part. - 該車造於1885年,是參賽車中最老的一輛。

The shuttle Endeavour will be taking the astronauts to the Hubble. - 「奮進」號航天飛機將把宇航員送上哈勃。

After taking off, we were flying low over the city and slowly gaining height, - 起飛之後,我們在城市上空低低地飛行,然後慢慢爬高。

When the balloon was over the station, the pilot saw one of the men taking photographs. - 當氣球飛臨基地上空時,飛行員看見有一個人在拍照。

They were taking a badly damaged boat from the Virgin Islands to Miami to have it repaired. - 他們駕著一條嚴重損壞的小船從維爾京群島阿密修理。


take drug following its infusion; taking drug following its infusion - 沖服

smelling method; taking a smell of the patient - 嗅氣味

patient; taking food as usual - 安谷

n. taking the snap out - 拍攝

feeling pulse with pressure; sphygmopalpation; taking pulse feeling pulse with pressure - 按脈

ingestion; intaking; taking in - 攝入

radiography; taking film - 攝片

taking poison - 服毒

taking medicine - 服藥

the time for administraction; time of taking medicine - 服藥時間

water taking bottle - 泵水瓶

methods of decoting and taking drugs - 煎服法

n. taking the snap out - 粘性流動

blood taking needle; puncture needle - 采血針


咬合取得 - bite taking

n.采血針 - blood taking needle

n.病案記錄 - case taking

內服指示 - directions of taking orally

服藥中斷 - discontinuance of taking medicine

n.病史採取 - hestory taking

n.取模 - impression taking

病歷記錄 - medical history taking

n.煎服法 - methods of decoting and taking drugs

n.脈診 - pulse taking

服藥效果 - result of taking medicine

n.服藥時間 - time of taking medicine

n.泵水瓶 - water taking bottle

蠟型取得 - wax pattern taking

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